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"I would appreciate it." I said to piers as more BSAA agents flooded the area. I saw a few of them assist Sherry and take her to a vehicle.

"There's your ticket back to your boss." Piers pointed to the vehicle. I went over to it, assisting jake up as we went along. More agents came to my side and helped with jake.

We got in and they laid jake down on a table. They had doctors on sight that helped jake and sherry recover. I looked back outside before peirs was going to shut the door.

"You're not coming?" I asked him.
"I'm afraid not, I have a mission here." He was going to shut the door again but I jumped out.

"Well maybe I can help you." If I already finished saving jake why not help more people out.

"Listen I would love the help but B.O.W.s are very dangerous and I shouldn't bring anyone along." He said not making eye contact.

"I could help you though, I have experience in that region. Im not going to leave unless you force me to." I was determined to help them.

"Fine, stick with me but I cant guarentee you will live." Piers turned away from me and went to his troop.

I followed behind him. I could feel the eyes on me but I didn't care about that. They marched down the snowy hill until we all made it to a small town. There was only a few buildings that looked deserted.

We all walked slowly around the place, no sign of life anywhere. I shivered from the cool air.

All of the agents in the troop rose their guns the second they heard a shot go through the air. I could see a sniper on top of one of the buildings.

I looked around to see what he shot at but then I realized.

The world started to turn and rock.

My eye sight went dark.

I looked down and saw red liquid spilling out of my chest.

I looked up one more time before falling backwards.

I fell into a deep sleep until I awoke to shots being fired. I got up with a jolt but fell back down the second the pain from my chest hit me.

It was bandaged up, I was in a corner somewhere covered by boxes. I couldn't get up for the life of me, the pain was the worst thing.

The guns got louder once I heard the door open. I got as low as possible in hope that it wasn't someone trying to kill me.

Footsteps could be heard walking towards me until a man towered over me. "Piers...?"

Piers bent down and put my arm around his shoulder. "Why did you save me?" I could barely get the words out.

"Well I couldn't just leave you," he basically dragged my feet through the door he came from. The second we entered I saw what hell was happening.

Crystalized B.O.W.s were running everywhere through the place. All the agents were fighting them but I could tell they were going to fall back. I could see the bodies of fallen soldiers scattered around the place and the stench of blood filled the air.

They covered Piers as he brought me to the next room. There was a few crystalized B.O.W. shells in there that weren't hatched yet but who knows how long it would take until they do.

What was left of the team ran in the room. There use to be eleven men, only four got away. I have no idea how many passed when I was out or if they are hiding somewhere else.

They shut the door as the creatures clawed at the other side. "We don't have long until they get in here." One of the men said.

I looked around the room, there was another door on the other side but some of the men were hurt.


Oof this was a long chapter...

If you want to stay here and help the men go to page 30

If you want to get them all out as soon as possible go to page 23

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