2.An Odd Dream

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//Ok so the whole typing you thing over and over became a bit annoying so i'm gonna try to do it from another perspective so it makes sorta a little bit more sense. If you guys don't like it though please tell me and i'll fix it and change it back
now enjoy!// 

Two weeks had gone by since the killings and the sighting of the killer and since then nothing odd has happened but yes he's still on the loose, B/F/N helped me finally unpack everything so I could be comfortable in my own home and I gotta admit it's very cozy now and I feel less stressed and I can actually relax but a part of me still feels very on edge. 

I took an hour nap considering I don't need to go to campus till only 3:30, I stretch my body out on the couch grabbing ahold of my phone to turn it on viewing the time that lit up on screen,


Setting my phone back onto the coffee table I sit myself up yawning, scrunching my nose up quickly at an odd pain in my lower back "great.." I lift my arms up leaning back a bit trying to shift my bones back into place which i've done countless times from awkward sleeping positions, I twisted my body to the left slowly hearing a light 'pop' noise with a sigh of relief escaping my mouth. 

My head begins to scan around me for the remote, I flipped the couch pillows over, reached behind the cracks in the couch, and looked underneath and still nothing I became a big aggravated so I give up grabbing my phone to check a few of my socials. Opening up my snapchat I see a photo of me and my parents with the caption 'Our little angel grown up and in the city. So proud of her!!!' I smile warmly at the photo reading a few of the comments as well to see what a few of my parents friends had said and overall they seem just as proud. As i'm scrolling through stories and different posts I over hear the T.V glancing up to the romantic scene playing in front of me..they couple in the movie cling onto each other instantly sucking each others faces off I practically almost puked. 

Chuckling in amusement of my own humor I eye back down to my phone but the movie still going causes my gaze to look back up at the couple, I click my phone off and continue watching the scene of the couple kissing in the rain. I frowned looking down at my lap..I haven't really had someone like that well in highschool but football players being football players he cheated on me, how did I figure out you may ask? The game I got invited to he was fucking the head cheerleader under the bleacher..jokes on him she's pregnant so oops, I shake my head clearing it of it's mooshy thoughts and made my way into my room to get dressed into something before I head out to campus.

A F/C sweatshirt, leggings, and my F/C boots with a small heel to perk myself up a bit, I walk past my mirror but back myself up to quickly check myself out. I turn around doing a full 360 check of my outfit smiling proudly, then my eyes gaze back down to my thighs and my butt...maybe it is big i'm just not noticing it until now..hm. I cup place my hands on both sides of my hips then remove them to get a small idea of the size that they were, mom always agreed that yeah maybe I have a few curves but definitely not fat but my subconscious decided to say otherwise- Y/N pull yourself together and get going to class my god your worrying over your hips now?! 

I turn off my bedroom light exiting my room and back into the living room, grabbing a hold of my phone I notice a small bit of the remote sticking out from under the coffee table 


I bend down picking up the remote and clicking my T.V off from yet another kiss scene on the screen, I set the remote down on the table so getting home later I can binge watch a few horror movies and enjoy myself and have some alone time. Grabbing the handle of my bookbag I swing it over my shoulder and walk into the kitchen to find a quick but still edible snack for my walk there. I open a few cabinets seeing your normal canned stuff, cereal, all that junk and huffed annoyingly 'hmmm' I swing the fridge open searching the shelves before finding a small package of cut of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries practically gasping in excitement I grab ahold of the package.

(Ticci Toby X Reader) My Roomates A Killer (Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now