4.Not A Fucking Word

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//gonna make this brief and quick but holy crap chapter 4 already :o like I always say I hope you're enjoying this so far ^-^ now let's get into it shall we?// 

//outfit is in the photo above!// 


The warm morning sunlight peeked through the open curtain causing me to shift a bit as it glowed on my face, I rolled over rubbing my eyes opening one than the other my vision still not fully focused but I lift myself up reaching over to my nightstand to grab the water bottle taking a sip from it giving my body something to wake up to besides caffeine. 

I look around my room then at the glass door, pulling myself out of bed I open the door stepping out onto the balcony. I take a deep breath letting out a steady sigh when I hear a huge crash from the living room "THE HELL!?" I quickly rush in pushing my bedroom door open seeing him flopped over on the floor laughing..'HOLD THE HELL UP HE'S STILL HERE!?! I THOUGHT IT WAS A DAMN DREAM!' 

"what the fuck was that!" I practically growl at him causing his laughter to die down, he stares up at me "night bedtime shorts" I look down scoffing in disgust crossing my arms "your sick" 

"you got no panties on your point?" he tics a bit a cocky smirk appearing on his lips, I press my legs together glaring down at him "EXPLAIN!" he begins to laugh more "jesus christ Brian was right you girls are fucking bitches when it's that time of the month" 

"explain.the noise.now" 

"alright I got up, tripped, was waiting for pain to impact me then realized I can't feel it so I started to laugh..happy now sweetheart?" he sat up shaking his head a bit, I rolled my eyes going back into my room slamming the door shut 'i'm so over this crap already..' I walk over to my dresser pulling out a cute outfit and throw it onto my bed when a faint knock can be heard from the door "no" 


"you have a hand use it" 

"your hotter"

"UGH!" I stomp over to the door making it practically fly open and stare at him "Toby...when I said i'll let you live here and spare me I didn't me annoy me..EVERY.FUCKING.MINUTE!" I take a steady breathe calming down, I look back up at him "now..what is it" 

"you're friend's here" he smirked "MY WHAT!" I shove by him running to the front door looking out of the peephole "ooooh no no no no no!" I backed away brushing my fingers through my hair nervously, I begin to look around the room then look at him all I receive is a light shrug. I run into my room quickly changing and brushing my hair walking back out into the living room, I look back into my room then around the room again hearing another knock "Y/N! you home?" 

"u..uh yeah a minute!" I look over to him sitting on the couch twitching slightly looking through a magazine, he seems confused "Toby" 



I yell out at him, he grins standing up walking towards me "how come?" he wraps an arm around my waist tugging me towards his body my chest pressed against his "can't you just say i'm your boyfriend?" he purrs about to nuzzle into my neck I press my hand to his face shoving him back "ahah you think you're my type how cute yeah let's go with now on that one k?" I pat his shoulder watching him stare me down, a pissed frown appearing on his face. 

I go to yell once more when another loud knock is heard from the door "oh my fucking god just please go hide!" I begin to shove him slightly "damn alright alright jeez just get the door before she fuckin breaks it" he rolls his eyes going off to find a hiding spot a quick smile appeared on my face as I rushed over to the door. 

(Ticci Toby X Reader) My Roomates A Killer (Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now