1. A Typical Monday Morning

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  The loud alarm rang through the half unpacked apartment, the noise that you set it on ringing louder and louder in an attempt to wake you up but only to make you annoyed and slam your hand down on the button to finally make it stop. Groggily you sat up rubbing your eyes staring at the time that read 5:53 a.m, as you were about to set your head back down at the pillow you shot back up grabbing the clock to look at the time more clearly.


You turn your head to the screen door window a few inches away from your bed seeing the peak of golden pink light trying to peek through your curtain, you pull yourself out of bed fixing your oversized shirt grabbing ahold of the curtain gently pushing it to the side allowing the light to enter your room. 

Your room was still full of boxes besides your bed, T.V, kitchen needs, and a few other essentials you were still unpacking considering you only had moved in finally a week ago but classes have been keeping you from unpacking the rest. Opening the screen door you step outside onto the balcony you slowly breathe in the morning air, exhaling it out peacefully. 

A small smile spreads across your face as you see the sun rising, the clouds pass by it gently, you look down to the busy city street still buzzing with traffic and people already wondering. You take one last glance at the sunrise before entering back into your room closing the scree door to allow some fresh air to come in.

Walking over to your closet you grab shorts, a top, socks, bra, and panties and quickly made your way to the bathroom to shower, adjusting the dials you finally got it to a comfortable temperature setting your clothing down and grabbing a towel off the rack setting it gently on the sick close to where you can grab it. 

"Alexa" you hear that familiar beep meaning it recognized your voice.

"Play the last song I listened to please" you waited a few seconds then music began to play, you remove your clothes throwing them into the hamper and stepped into the shower.

You wash your body, shave y'know all the fun stuff then you squirt the right amount of shampoo into your hand applying it to your hair causing it to suds up earning a few giggles to escape your mouth, over the music you hear your phone begin to ring, letting the curiosity get the upper hand you poke your head out to see who's  calling.

The title of the number read 'B/F/N💞☁️'
(Best friends name btw lmao anyway continuing!) with a small image of their face

"Shit" you mumble quickly rinsing off the bubbles and applying conditioner, the phone began to ring once again so you squeeze out the remaining conditioner or shampoo left then quickly grab the towel wrapping it around your small figure.

"Alexa pause" the music stops, you tap your phone answering it quickly pressing speaker "Y/N??"

"I was showering sorry what's up" you take another smaller towel off the rack to dry your hair with "by the way I need notes for that test we have coming up..well, the other half at least is that ok??"

"It's fine by me but have you seen the news?" You raise a brow staring down at your phone in confusion, your hair no longer soaking wet you chuck the towel into the hamper as well "to be honest with you B/F/N no I haven't"

Grabbing a tooth brush from the glass cup sitting on the sink and applying a bit of tooth paste you begin to brush your teeth "why what happened??" you asked muffled continuing your morning routine.

"Well someone was murdered on campus"

"Mpfh!-" choking back on the tooth paste you quickly spit it out coughing furiously, you take the glass your brush was in quickly filling it with water taking small sips swishing it around in your mouth then spitting it into the sink

(Ticci Toby X Reader) My Roomates A Killer (Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now