She started to climb out of the hole and dusted her dress for a moment before looking around.

Kuro: See anything?

Mei: I can't...It's too dark...

Kuro: Hold on...I'm coming...

Kuro used his powers to give him a bit of a boost and jumped towards the hatch. He climbed inside to greet Mei and looked anywhere for a light switch.

Once he finally found it through the darkness.

He turned on the lights.


Mei: Oh My....

Kuro: No way...this is...The School's Library...?

They were Yongedu High?

Kuro: How...?

Mei: I...have no idea...that the wine cellar had connected to the tunnel all the way to the school.

Kuro scoffed.

Kuro: Looks like your father knew more than he was letting on...


Kuro: Mei?

Mei: K-Kuro...Look...

Mei pointed into another direction as tears poured down her face...


Kuro turned his head to meet the dead of Koutarou-Sensei, Nora-san, and Shiomi-chan...

Shiomi-chan was headless and blood was pouring out staining her shrine maiden outfit.

Nora-san was brutalized and beaten to the point of death...

And Koutarou-Sensei...God...Hs looks like he had it worst...

Like what happened to Hibiki...

One of his arms were missing, his leg was twisted in a odd angle...and one of his eyes were gouged out...

But that's not the worst part...

His stomach was cut open and his innards were missing...

Kuro: Shouta...Please tell me you didn't...

But he did...

Possessed or not, Shouta did all this some time after he woked up from his coma and slaughtered them...

Kuro: *Growls* Yokai...

He didn't care if she had an horrible past. Just don't drag others into your personal vendetta. That's what he wanted to say with venom but held them back when he saw Mei was crying.

Mei: *Sobs* *Hiccup*

Kuro pulls Mei into a hug.

Kuro: Come on...Koutarou-Sensei would still want you to keep going...We'll bring him and the others back...You'll see...


Kuro: Right looks like they managed to crack the code open to the hidden library...It seems that whatever lies within this area. Yokai-chan doesn't want us to know...maybe that's the reason why...she had Shouta...

He didn't finish that answer but Mei did for him.

Mei:...because they were close to finding out the truth...

Kuro: Right...

Both of them walked into the hidden room, together.

This is it...

Whatever lies through the hidden room

Their chance to reverse everything of Yokai-chan's influence upon the world...

It was now or never...


Mei and Kuro walked into the white room.

The place looked empty despite the fact that there was a small table nearby with only one book.

Mei: Is this it....?

Kuro: This must the secret item that was hidden within the library.

Once they gotten near the book.

A powerful aurora was settling around it...

Kuro: Tch...that's strong...

Mei: It's the power of a witch...

Kuro: I can't be able to go near it...but maybe you can Mei...

Mei nodded as she carefully went over to the book.

Kuro, who had no choice but to recoil away from the book, because of it's power like a fly would to insect repellent.

Mei didn't feeling anything at all...

The Book of Dark Magic...

The negative energy the book gave...

She immediately knew who it belonged too...

Someone who was long dead and had controlled of it before...

Her ancestor...

Mei: Misaki-chan...

She had used this book to get through to Mei. She was the wielder of the book before it was taken from her before her death.

The book remain hidden for many decades...until now...

Mei grabs ahold of the book. Positive energy begin to flow out of her and straight into the book.

Suddenly the dark aurora vanished replacing it...with a light...

Kuro was astounded by what happened...


Mei: I...have controlled it...?

Kuro: But didn't you lose your powers to your other self...

Mei: Maybe...unless I still have some abilities to use them...

Kuro them smirked.

Kuro: That means you can also control your powers by now. Wow...That was fast though...but then again...there's still a way that you can reverse everything! Mei, this is your chance to make things right!

Mei made a smile.

For once, she could do something without making anymore mistakes.

Mei: Yes...

Kuro: Then do it the instructions in that book carefully and reverse Yokai-chan's curs-!


Both of their eyes went wide...

Oh no....

Not Now...

???: You though it would be that easy? Did you really believe you won?

Yokai-chan suddenly appeared and grabbed Kuro by his shoulders lifting him in the air.

Kuro: What the-?! Let go!

Mei: Kuro! Let him go!

She ignored them as she continued to giggle evilly.

Yokai: Yokai-chan wants to play one more game~! You can't escape~!

Mei: Eh?

Kuro: (Why do I feel...light-headed...)

Kuro's eyes begin to close much to Mei's horror.

Yokai: Game Over~!

Mei: NANI?!!

Suddenly, a black aurora surrounded the light making it disvolved into nothing as Yokai-chan continued to giggle evilly before disappearing with Kuro as Mei screamed through the darkness.

The Final Game Begins...

Mei: KURO!!!!

The Dead One: The Final GrudgeWhere stories live. Discover now