24: Red-handed

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I noticed that after the last call with Arthur, he seemed uneasy.

I thought all of this was part of his plan. Why did he sound so unsure?

"I think something happened." Isaac suggested.

I asked, "Yeah, but what could've happened to change his mood?"

"Well, maybe something complicated his plan. Whatever that something is, he didn't want it to happen, so he's not very happy." I could tell Isaac was smiling. He must've been happy at the thought of Arthur being thrown off guard.

Meanwhile, the thought of Arthur being off guard made me more terrified. I knew that, for some reason, he cared about his plan and he would do anything to make it work. But, I knew if there was a time to act, that was it. I had a chance to rescue Jewel and I wasn't going to let that chance slip by me.

We're going. Right now.

"I see you caught on to what I was thinking. Let's go!" Isaac said cheerfully.

I got dressed and put my shoes on. I was about to leave the house when Serena stopped me, "You're going out there again? Let me go with you."

I shook my head, "You can't. It's too dangerous. Keep the house on lockdown while I'm gone. I'll call you to open the door when I'm back."

She sighed, "Fine, be careful and don't let the police see you."

I smiled, "Of course. Thank you, Serena."

We hugged each other before I left the house. Little did I know, that could have been the last time we ever hugged. As I reached the end of the woods and into the city, I looked around for police. Oddly enough, it was clear. I should've seen that as a bad sign, but instead, I walked towards the bridge. I was so close. So damn close. I expected to be ambushed by people wearing police uniforms, but instead I was ambushed by a group of people wearing tuxedos.

Who are these people? I've never seen them before!

I tried to resist, but each kick and punch hurt more than the last. Somehow, I did manage to block a few hits and I tried to run away. Next thing I knew, I collapsed. My vision got blurry and I could barely keep my eyes open. The last thing I heard before losing consciousness was Isaac's panicked voice calling my name.

When I woke up, there was a bright light shining in my face. I looked away. I still felt tired and started to doze off. I was then slapped in the face.

Ow! Now I'm tired and my cheek hurts.

That slap in the face was enough to fully wake me up. I looked around the room.

Isaac, what happened? How did I get here? The last thing I remember was that I was running, then everything went dark.

He didn't answer. I was worried that he either went to the Other Side without me, or worse, he left my mind to fight those people and was captured in the process.

There was a person standing in front of me who glared at me. I glared back and tried to get up, only to realize I was handcuffed to a chair. I struggled more until I heard a voice, "Handcuffs don't just fall off, you know. You should save your energy."

I looked up at the person in front of me and he moved to the side to reveal where the voice came from. There was a tall woman wearing a lab coat and gloves. There was blood on them. My body started shaking. The blood made me think of my father and Connor.

The woman laughed, "Aw, look at you. You don't look so tough now that you're caught. Is it the blood on my gloves? Don't worry, your blood will never spill on my gloves. Although, I will definitely run some tests."

I glared at her and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Saylor. I'm a scientist. You are Finley, I presume?" She asked as she stepped closer.

The closer she got, the more uneasy I felt. I avoided her gaze and answered, "Y-Yeah..."

Saylor grinned, "What a wonderful discovery you are. You have no idea how long I've been searching for you."

"You've been looking...for me? Do you work with the police?" I asked in an anxious tone.

She shook her head, "We are the police...sort of. It's our job to catch half-breeds specifically and research your kind. You've been wanted for a long time. It's great that we finally have you."

I glared at her, "But, I've never seen any of you before!"

"The reason why you've never seen us until now is because we're supposed to keep a low profile. Not many people know about this department. The police that you saw were real police, but they weren't supposed to catch you. They were only supposed to communicate your whereabouts to us and tell us what you looked like. They only tried to catch you because they felt they could. But I knew you were smart. I knew catching you wouldn't be easy, so I decided to take my crew out there and catch you myself. We had the right equipment after all. I'm so glad my little plan worked. You didn't expect it at all, did you?" She laughed.

I struggled and yelled, "Let me go!"

Saylor grabbed and pulled my hair. With her other hand, she held a scalpel close to my face. She glared at me and said, "I'm not afraid to cut out your tongue, so I suggest you stop resisting and show me respect. Understand?"

I nodded in pain and she released my hair. She placed the scalpel back in her pocket. Her glare changed to a smile.

This girl is crazy...I need to get out of here. Who knows what she'll do to me?

"Um...what are you going to do to me?" I asked.

She laughed, "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Saylor then walked out of the room and the door closed behind her.

I was left with, I assume, one of her guards. He kept an eye on me the whole time. I couldn't do anything. All I could do was wait and see what Saylor had in store for me.

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