Chappy 10

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Wow, those boys were acting strange. All of them. Harry and Louis actually got into another fight about a week ago- which they have been doing recently, but...they never used to. Ugh, I don't understand! I think it might be all the pressure from being in the band (well, alright, i didn't think that, that's what Liam said to me), but I don't know for sure- since no one talks to anyone around here.

Louis is always trying to pretend he's happy, but he's not. When he thinks no one is around him, his face slackens and you start noticing the gray circles under his eyes more. When he falls asleep on the couch, his face looks pained, like he wants to cry.

Harry is as quiet as Louis these days- which, is probably the most noticeable thing of all. If you walked into thier flat three months ago you would be either tackled, or they wouldn't notice you because they were too busy have a pillow/water/food/ fight , or playing Wii Sport or something.Harry was barely home (out partying with his new celeb friends I expect), and when he was he either went straight up to his room or pretended to be fine by sitting on the couch and watching TV with us.

The fight that happened a week ago caused a rift in the band, and I don't think any amount of repeating the "cheeseburger jelly babies" phrase was going to get rid of the awkward tension all around us. Even in recent interviews....its obvious- well, for us anyways. Larry aren't sitting next to each other, Zayn doesn't talk at all, and I don't even laugh as much (which I'm pretty sure is saying something). Zayn took Harry's side, and Liam took Lou's. Again, fighting about needing a break, too much attention, too many screaming fans trying to bust down thier doors. I was out with Mel at the time, but I'm pretty sure Louis woke up to Harry taking the million posters and notes off thier door, completely pissed off. Louis said it wasn't such a big deal- Harry flipped out.

I didn't know what to do, but Harry was staying at Zayn's, and Louis said no when Liam and I offered to stay over.

Louis said no to company. Does anyone understand how big a deal that is besides me?! If there was anyone more of a people person than that boy, I have yet to meet them.

Liam has also been strange, though I can't for the life of me figure out why. Granted, I'm slow to catch on, and there's lots of things I have a hard time figuring out- which is usually where Liam comes in to my rescue. But he's been snippy, and doesn't talk to me as much. Maybe it was all the pressure of trying to keep the band from killing each other, but he used to be my bestest bud to talk to. Now he spent even more time talking to management, organizing schedules, and calming everyone down. Honestly, I wish there was some way I could help, but I don't think he would let me.

"You ready to go?" Melanie asked me, popping her head into my apartment. I nodded, smiling as I took her hand. Damn she was the most beautiful thing ever, but...I don't know. The more time I spent around her, I saw how much of an amazing person she was, how kind, comforting, honest, serious yet funny she could be.

And all of this crazily made me think of someone else. The more I noticed about her personality, the more I listened to her, I thought of this other person. I got to know Melanie Sanders, and started liking her for her, not even the way she looked. In fact, her amazing personality overrode how amazingly beautiful she was that sometimes I would stop and realize I hadn't even thought about her drop dead gorgeous eyes, or hair, or smile. I think I eventually realized- though I can't pinpoint when- that I really liked her. I loved everything about this girl, and when I finally noticed this- that I was in love with her- something....

Ugh, I don't know. But just like everything else I noticed about Mel, it felt like the second I realized I loved her personality, the feelings turned to this other person, and I realized I loved them just the same. In fact, maybe I loved this person even more.



Things were chaos. Hoenstly, I have no idea what the hell has been happening the last few weeks but I don't see how anything can get worse. I keep telling myself- It can only get better from here.

Then I realized I'd completey fucking jinxed it.

Harry had been staying with Zayn for the last two weeks, and both of them haven't really been talking with Lou, and by connection (because I had pissed them off just as much) myself. That's not to say that they wouldn't have gotten over it- but we wouldn't talk to them either. They were wrong, and overreacting. We were famous. Famous people had fans. Fans had dreams of meeting us. We once had dreams- to become famous. And now we are. Fans come with the package- that the definition of being famous. The more famous, the more fans. They need to realize that we're pretty fucking famous.

I took a deep breath, trying to cool down my temper just thinking about it again. In the back of my head though, I could see where they were coming from- which maybe pissed me off even more. I get it- they were exhausted, and frankly wanted a break. We all did- they needed to understand that.

All in all, we wouldn't talk to them, out of stubborness, anger, i don't know- and they wouldn't talk to us, probably for the same reasons. None of us would break down and just apologize, or forgive.

And honestly, I would, just to keep the peace, and I know Zayn would too(this whole ordeal had happened a couple months ago and we'd settled it), but...Lou and Harry weren't budging. I know that this whole fight has something deeper lying under it for the both of them, or at least one the two, but I don't know how to fix it.

Louis is always sad when he is alone- the only time he acts angry is when he is around Harry, so that he won't see how much his Hazza is hurting him. I'm pretty sure it's the same for Harry, though I obviously can't prove any of this. Everything is a mess.

Which only got worse when Harry moved out.

Zayn came over one day to ask if Harry had finally called a truce- Lou answered slowly and confusedly that he hadn't heard from Harold (that's how he now spoke of his boyfriend) in two days, when  which made Zayn crinkle his eyebrows in thought. I came into the conversation to ask when Zayn had seen him, and he had said not since this morning (it was around 9 pm)

Right on time, "Harold" came in, with a big box.

"Haz-Harold!" Louis said, his expression hopeful but his voice still (fake) cold. "What are you doing here?"

"And where have you been mate?" Zayn had asked.

"I was talking to Cindy Griffith." He said naturally, like we all knew who that was.

"Uhm...who?" I had asked.

"A realtor." He said, walking away with a blank expression on his face. I swivelled my head in Lou's direction...

...and honestly wished I hadn't. I'd never seen a look so hurt in my life.

What had Harry done?

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