Part 3 {Analogical}

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Whips, Masochist Kink, Knife play, Hand-Cuffs, Slapping
One of the strange but Sexy things about having Virgil as a boyfriend According to Logan are his Kinks.
Every time they had sex they would always try and change it up a bit with new toys or positions, but a reoccurring Kink that Virgil constantly brings in is his masochism.
Virgil loved it when Logan would: Cut, Whip, Slap or Bite Him it just made him feel so alive.
A Session with Emile once said that the reason he's a masochist is because of his physical abusive past with the darksides because a lot of the punishments they gave him had to do with Cutting him, Whipping him, and lots of pain that Virgil has turned into a kink from being immune after years of torture.
"Babe..." Virgil said his chin practically hanging off the edge of his desk
"Yes Virgil do you need something?" Logan asked before being pulled off his office chair and onto the floor and soon to have Virgil on top of him His hands and legs like a cage around Logan.
"Really Now?" Logan said sitting up
"Please I'm begging you I want you too-" Virgil began before having his lips shut by Logan's
They kissed for a while before Logan had rolled on top of Virgil and tore off his shirt and hoodie.
Logan lifted Virgil up onto his office chair and cuffed him with light blue fluffy cuffs and took off his own shirt and held his Tie in his Hands like a whip.
"Do you want me too go hard or soft?" Logan asked
"Hard! I'm in a mood Babe~" Virgil said in a begging manner
"Alright as you wish~" Logan said before bringing his tie down on Virgil's Pale chest with a hard slap
"Ah~" Virgil Moaned "Again!"
Logan did as he was asked and kept Whipping him till he could see Virgil's Hard on through his jeans.
Logan then walked off towards his closet and brought out a small satanic decorated knife which Virgil very excited.
Logan walked over and dragged the knife Over Virgil's Naked chest and skilfully slit his trousers off.
Logan held the knife under his boyfriend's Chin both of them smirking.
Logan snapped his fingers and now the we're both lying on Logan's Bed Naked and Virgil handcuffed to all 4 Corners of the frame.
He looked like he was in pain but he liked it,
For the next half an hour Virgil and Logan:
Made out, Licked,spanked,slapped and moaning and after they had finished Virgil left Logan's room to a concerned Deceit,Astounded Roman and a smirking Remus
"Don't ask" Virgil said blushing just as red as Roman's sash
"Oh we don't need to" Roman exclaimed
"We heard everything~" Remus Whispered
Virgil threw his hood up and stormed off just for his 3 Peeping Tom's to burst out laughing.

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