She smiled looking down at her phone. 

"Oh really?" she asked, before standing and shoving her phone into my face, "then explain this whore!" she shouted in victory. 

On her screen where images of Kal and I from yesterday. Us walking all around town, bag piled in both of our hands, as we walked close together. 

There was one of me looking up at him talking as he had his head thrown back laughing. 

There was another of him bending down to my ear, a small smile tilted onto my lips as I remember that fucking freak has stuck his tongue into my ear. 

The next picture showed my baffled face, as I nearly tripped from the shock of him actually sticking his tongue into my ear, and his cheeks puffed out right before be had busted into pure laughter. 

Fucking creep. 

"YOU'RE SMILING!!" Dorthy screeched, entirely too much happiness on her face. 

I shrugged, "we hung out, so what. I'm a funny ass person thats why he's laughing, and smiling. People love to hang out with me."

"I never smile that much around you."

"That's because I don't have a dick for you to su-"

"Valerie!" someone called, putting a pause to Dorthy and I's banter, forcing us both to turn  to watch as Preston and Kal waved us down. 

The entire arena had pretty much cleared, till it was just Dorthy and I hissing back and forth at one another. 

We quickly made our way down to the guys, Dorthy sprinting into Preston's arms, sending them tipping into the wall, so he could catch the tongue she shoved down his throat. 

I quickly looked away to Kal who looked like he was about to shit himself. 

I blinked, quickly making my way to him, "what's wrong? What happened?" I asked, looking him up and down to make sure he was alright. 

"I'm so sorry, Val, did you see the pictures already?" he winced, looking stressed. 

I paused, "please tell me you were not photographed with some bitch" I hissed. 

He shook his head, "no, with you" he winced, looking actually worried sick. 

I rolled my eyes, before punching him in the arm, he didn't even twitch, "Kal! Don't scare me like that! I thought you meant of you and some random girl!" I cried out, relaxing. 

He didn't relax at all, "seriously, Valerie, I'm really sorry" he said again, running a hand through his wet curls, looking totally stressed out. 

I blinked stupidly at him. 

"You were photographed with me. What the big deal?" I asked, watching as he continued to work himself up. 

"I told you they would get pictures of me, and you were caught in the cross fire, and I don't even know what story they conjured up about you and me" he rambled, tugging worriedly at his hair now. 

I grabbed his hands, pulling them away from his face, "Kal, why would I be mad? You didn't take those pictures nor do you control the paparazzi. How could I ever be mad at you for something you have no control over. I just don't want you to be photographed with a random girl or a model because they talk, they get pissed and they spread negative stories about your hit it and quit it session. Okay? You don't have to stress, I'm fine." I said, maintaining eye contact as he looked down at me. 

"You're not mad?" he asked again. 

I rolled my eyes, releasing his hands, "no, I have no reason to be mad. How could someone be mad that someone else took your picture together? You can't control that, or what they say in the press dude. Trust me, I told you about my titty gate right? I know how paparazzi are, you don't have to ever worry about that." 

He blinked slowly at me, before nodding, "I'm sorry, I just-"

I laughed, "if you need to apologize to someone, apologize to Preston for making sure he got no action on the field!" I laughed pushing his chest lightly to hype him up, "you played a-fucking-mazing! And that last goal, congrats!" I smiled brightly up at him. 

He smiled back slowly, "thanks, it was a good win for the team. I only scored twice-" he started. 

"Yes, BUT you assisted in all the other goals, dumbass! You did great, is the team going out to a club or something?" I looked down at the jeans and tee shirt I had on, "I left my clubbing sweat pants at the hotel but-"

"NO! NO CLUBBING SWEATS!" Dorthy yelled pointing at me, after detaching herself from Preston, who was now sporting that goofy love struck smile Dorthy had earlier. 


Kal laughed lightly from beside me, "I like her clubbing sweats, all the bartenders give her free pity drinks" he snorted. 

I couldn't hold back my laugh, "fuck you, I'll have you know those are free friend drinks, asshole" I smiled up at him. 

"Well there will be none of any of that tonight! You are going to shake that ass in those jeans, I have some heels in Preston's bag that should fit you, and I have a cute top too." Dorthy smiled, clapping her hands together. 

I glared at her, "in what world would a top of yours fit me?" I asked, staring at her skinny body and small chest, compared to the double D's I carried around. 

She gave me an evil smile, "the kind thats only held together by strings."

"Maybe we should just head back to the hotel, I'm kind of tired anyway" Kal cut in, staring down at me. 

"What? Mate no! You have to come out with us!" Preston said, throwing Kal off. 

Dorthy smiled brightly down at me. 

That was how we ended up at club Dino, the lights flashing as the music pulsed through my chest, which was on open display. 

Dorthy had not been kidding when she said the top was held together my strings, the satin top was extremely low cut, and held together by three ties on the back, essentially a napkin covering my chest. 

Kal's hand pressed against my lower back, that was completely bare, as he stood behind me. We had just made it to the club, as he guided me along with him through the tightly packed room full of moving bodies. 

Preston and Dorthy were in front of us leading the way to the tables in the back that housed their team. 

"We won't stay long" Kal whispered into my ear, his warm breath brushing against my neck. 

I looked up at him, "you should celebrate with your team, seriously I'm fine" I whispered back to him, over the loud thrum of noise. 

He gave me an unsure look, before we stopped in front of the team table. 

I waved at everyone, sending a small smile at Justin as he sat with his arm thrown around some girl. 

I tried not to notice the looks the team shot me, before I side shuffled to sit at an adjacent table next to Dorthy. 

She pouted as she watched Preston and Kal slide into the table with the rest of the team, "I always forget they laugh and drink together" she sighed. 

I glared blankly at her, "this was your grand idea. I almost got to head back to the hotel" I sighed. 

She rolled her eyes, "come on! Valerie Cords is back, I can see it in your eyes. I don't know what happened but you look more like my girl who could twerk in a club like this all night" she smiled brightly. 

I laughed leaning back into my seat, "and not pay for a single drink" I nodded, remembering the nights of Dorthy, Zora, and I dancing in clubs like this until morning hours. 

Dorthy laughed, nodding, a smile on her lips like she remembered too. 

I grabbed her hand suddenly, pulling her up, "let's do it!" I laughed, feeling light and free for the first time in a long time, "lets fucking dance!" I laughed, as she did, dragging her down to the dance floor. 

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