Chapter Six

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I glared down at the phone in my hands, and the folder that was placed in front of me, trying desperately to block out all in the incoming noise that was blasting around me. 

My eyes watched as the multitude of reactions came in from Kal's earlier press conference. 

It had started off fine enough, questions about his sport that had little importance to me, and then finally someone asked him did he believe his behavior would play an effect onto his performance on the field. 

He had spit out exactly what I had told him to, not much conviction in the little douche's voice, but the statement was enough. 

Obviously, some reporters had figured out who I was, from the snaps of pictures that were aimed my way from where I was standing off to the side behind Kal. 

It had gone well enough. 

The Twitter world, however, was calling total and complete bullshit on Kal Kingston. 

They were literally placing bets on when his next screw up would be, and some were putting money on tomorrow when we flew out to Switzerland to play. 

As if I was letting that happen. 

A glass of water slid into my view forcing me to look up. My eyes caught the light brown ones of the bar tender who had periodically checking in on me since we had arrived at this club. 


Kal had demanded that he go to the club, and even with the strobe lights, dark lighting, and grinding bodies, I was in a pair of sweats, a crop top and a sweater. 

No fucks given. 

I gave Bill another smile, he was attractive, which is why women were practically throwing tips at him all night, so I was completely baffled on why he kept coming back over to check on me. 

The rest of the female population in this club were wearing dresses and skirts that left little to the imagination, as well as they were all beautiful. 

My hair was in a wild looking bun, and I practically had 'Do Not Fuck With Me' stamped on my forehead. 

"Here sweetheart, you seem to be working hard" he smiled easily, small dimples forming in his cheeks that would only make any girl smile even harder at him. 

Dark red locks cropped close to his head only made him stand out more, and a body that showed he took care of himself. 

Plus there was a sweetness about him that just automatically made you feel comfortable when staring at him. 

Which is why I immediately distrusted him. 

I knew what he was doing now. 

I had been watching him do it for the past four hours since Kal had dragged us here. 

He would come flirt with me, a completely dull girl who looked like I'd been dragged straight from my couch to here, and because he was giving me attention girls who were dying for his were getting pissed, aggressive, and throwing money at him if it meant he'd keep his eyes on them for more than five seconds. 

"You seem to be working hard" my eyes trailing over the sneering faces of the women who were waiting for him to return, before looking back at his smirk, "but I think you know that" I chuckled slipping the straw between my lips and drinking the water he gave me. 

His eyes twinkled as he looked down at me. 

I probably looked insane. 

I was perched on a bar stool, one leg up, in comfort clothes, no make up in one of the hottest clubs here in London. 

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