Toxic Berries (Chapter 4)

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Somewhere within the hotel a certain Radio Demon was stumbling throughout the halls. Bambi felt great! The best he's ever felt in his entire existence! He felt all warm and fuzzy and everything looked silly. It was as if he was riding on the world's best rollercoaster.
Despite not really knowing how to walk properly he managed to go up several flights of stairs. Completely oblivious to the world, he rammed into something.
"O-Oh! I'm so sorry!" It said.
The deer looked up to see a familiar face and tensed. It was another deer demon, a striking resemblance to Alastor. He was confused as to how he managed to get out, before realizing it wasn't actually his other.
No, this other demon was a completely different set of color, and smelled like blueberries with a hint of metal. This intrigued Bambi, causing him to crawl closer to the other one.
The blue demon jumped in fear knowing very well that The Radio Demon wasn't to be trifled with, but noticed that something was off. Very off.
"Oh deer, I didn't think you of all people would go through that as well. I the very least is assumed you would've had it under control....." he said.
Bambi merely tilted his head at him.
"And one that is so...timid...." he moaned, biting his lip.
Bambi felt a chill go up their spine. Something wasn't right.
"It's kind of refreshing really....sorry if I'm sounding weird but it's not often I get to see someone so.....vulnerable." Symbols were beginning to form and the other demon was breathing heavy.
Bambi began to crawl away, feeling unwanted adrenaline run through his system. Something about this wasn't right at all, and for once he was agreeing with his other's internal screaming.
Before he had the chance to run, or at least attempt to run, the blueberry other had grabbed him tightly by his arm.
"It's okay it's okay it's okay. I can tell that you're new to everything....." he was sweating, rubbing his legs together.
"I could show you how to really enjoy life here. I mean...." he leaned in closer to Bambi, body pressing uncomfortably against him. "It's not often that I get to be with someone that is also able to rut...." he groaned, tongue sticking out.
Bambi froze, like a deer in headlights. He didn't like this, not at all. He wanted affection and even considered going to his blue other, but it didn't feel right. Something told him he wasn't going to be getting cuddles and pats if he went with him. He struggled to get out of his grasp, whimpering detestably at the blue one. This only aroused the other more.
"O-Oh my! Oh d-d-deer! Those sounds are just so p-precious~!" He stuttered through moans and spit.
"Just one touch and I'll be sure it'll make you feel good! I promise!" He cried out.
Bambi cried, slowly giving in. He didn't know what to do anymore.
"Well I should'a known you would pull some creepy shit like 'dis, considerin' I caught ya' sniffin' my clothes n' all!" A suave and seductive voice said.
Before Bambi could see who it was, the other blue assailant was thrown back by a quick kick to the face. He was lying there groaning in pain, nursing his face before quickly disappearing into the shadows with muffled cries.
"Sheesh an' I thought I had seen it all. Goes to show there really is an infinite supply of freaky down here." Angel said, dusting his clothes off and reaching his hand to Alastor (or rather Bambi).
Bambi forcefully hugged Angel's legs, clutching them for 'deer' life.
"Aight buddy you need to uh....let go...." Angel tried shaking the deer off but to no avail.
"Guess you ain't gunna do that, huh?" He clicked his mouth is discomfort.
"Okay....let's just..... go to my room then....?" The spider said nervously, expecting to get sliced into two. Yet the anthropomorphic deer only buried his head further into Angel's legs as a response.
"Well this is just fan-fuckin'-tastic...."

Despite the extra weight that was added to Angel's legs, he made it back to his room with relative ease. He was used to people being straddled to him, after all~.
"Okay we're here. Now can you get offa me?" Angel asked, disgruntled.
Bambi tentatively surveyed his surroundings before letting go of the Spider. He then began sniffing around the room, curious by Angel's many, many, trinkets.
"Aight I'm not gunna lie you're bein' hella' cute right now, but uh you probably don't want to be sniffing some certain things so I'm just gunna..." Angel dragged Alastor's body to the bed, to which he resumed sniffing but limited himself to the sheets.
"Hey be careful Bambi, those are pure linen and silk!" Angel shouted.
Bambi looked up suddenly and attentively. He crawled close to Angel to the point where their faces were touching. Angel could feel Alastor's breath against him.
Bambi was shocked! How did this creature know his name?! This was amazing! He has a new friend!
"Uhhhhh you good there, Smiles?"
Bambi shook his head violently. No! That wasn't his name at all! Did he already forget his name?
"Uh....Alastor-" He stamped his hand onto the bed, pouting and shaking his head no. He wasn't ANYTHING like his other and was offended to be compared to someone like that!
The wheels in Angel's brain were slowly turning before finally clicking.
"Wait, you ain't Al, aren't ya?" Yes! Yes! He knows I exist! Bambi nodded his head proudly.
"What is this like some sort of weird split personality shit? Are you fuckin' possessed or some shit? I thought you just fuckin' snapped or somethin'." The deer only gave him a confused look.
After thinking back to what he said to the deer man before this, his eyes shot wide open.
"Holy" Angel looked at him, dumbfounded.
"Don't tell me you're name is fuckin' Bambi....." the deer demon only responded with a happy nod.
At that point, Angel lost it.
He was on the floor, howling hysterically, with tears running down from his eyes.
Bambi didn't exactly know what was going on, but the spider seemed happy so that was good?
"AH HA! No wonda' yer all cute n' shit! This is great! Really!" He said in between laughs.
Angel gave him a look that Bambi couldn't quite decipher what it meant.
"Okay, Al is gunna kill me for this, but let's have some fun..." He purred, leaning in closer.
The former Radio Demon looked at him nervously, before being shushed in a calming manner.
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle~"

"Heh, neva' thought your ears were this fluffy! And I can see how Charlie got ya to be basically goop, haha!" Angel cooed at the deer, giving him well deserved pets.
"If only Fat Nuggets could see ya! He'd love to be yo' friend because you are a good boy, yes you are!" Angel praised while scratching behind Bambi's ear.
Bambi only cried in pleasure, sinking deeper into his touch.
This was nice.

"No it was not!"


Bambi (Charlastor/RadioDust)Where stories live. Discover now