Freedom (Chapter 2)

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"Al....? You good....?" Charlie asked, cautiously approaching the quiet demon, afraid he'd suddenly go berserk and lash out.
He had been silent for a good while and was starting to really concern Charlie.
Before she could reach him he suddenly collapsed, folding out on the wooden floor. At that moment all caution had been thrown out the window.
"Oh my God! Al!" She rushed over to his body, checking to see if there was any sign of 'life' in him.
"Al! Al! Please wake up!" She brushed her hand over his bangs, trying to see if she could forcefully open his eyes and see if they were dilated or not. He could've been drugged for all she knew!
There was a small groan emitting from the fallen demon, causing the demon belle to jump back.
Alastor slowly stood up, hair displayed wildly. Charlie leaned in closer, hoping to get Alastor to look up at her. He suddenly snapped his head to her, causing a small 'eep' to come out of her.
"S-Sorry about that! I wasn't trying to get in your personal space but I was just so worried about you and I wanted to make sure that you were okay so-" she stopped rambling afterrealizing that he was just staring at her. Silently staring, with his head tilted in a dog-like (or perhaps deer-like) manner, ears twitching every now and then.
"Uh....Alastor....?" He turned his head to the other side upon hearing his name. He had a big smile on his face, but Charlie noticed that it was different than his usual smile. Rather than being sinister and mischievous, he had a goofy grin, eyes tired and almost...adoring?
'Somethings not right...' She thought to herself.
"Alastor-" he scooted closer to the blonde, leaning closer and closer until she could feel his breath against her skin. Charlie was confused, baffled beyond belief. The Alastor she knew would NEVER be willing to be that close to someone, unless it was at the terrible expense of their own suffering.
Charlie decided to something rash. Carefully, she placed a dainty hand on his cheek. Not only did he let her invade his personal space, but he also nestled his head in her hand, rubbing his cheek against her palm, emitting a low, but yet, soothing hum from his radio.
Charlie was shocked and went to go retract her hand, only to have Alastor move in with it, whining in protest.
His whine struck a cord within her, so she let him snuggle into her hand. Alastor grabbed her other hand, startling Charlie, and placed it on his head.
"Do you want me you?" She asked. He mewled contently, nodding in response. She had to admit this was kinda nice, and even scratched behind his ear causing the other to practically become putty in her arms. He was a blithering mess, crying and whining for more.
"Well you seem very attention-starved, huh?" She laughed. His response was to only give her a goofy smiling before giving her a hug.
Charlie tensed at this, thinking he would crush her to death, but realized she was safe after hearing whimpered at the fact that he was longer being petted. She presumed petting and scratching him.
Alastor was snuggled against her, his hold on her tight. He even took a moment to sniff her, which usually would creep out Charlie - but for some reason didn't. She thought it was kinda cute, as if he was some sort of curious animal investigating her. Like a literal deer!
He soon was distracted by her strands of hair, playing around with them with his talons. Charlie giggled at this.
"Something interesting about my hair?" He only grunted in response, before going back to snuggling her.
Charlie sighed. This was nice and all, but something was wrong with Alastor. And she needed to find out what.
The only problem is she didn't know where or how to begin finding out. He was hardly responsive and was practically melting all over Charlie. She didn't think it was any type of rut, considering there was no smell and he hadn't made any ill-intent advances towards her yet. Could it be a split personality? But even then, alters don't usually act like....this? She's been around many in Hell throughout her days, and none were ever like this.
'Well, not everyone is the same, Charlie.' She thought to herself, but despite this she can't help but feel it's not DID. Was he drugged? No way, he was the most powerful demon in hell, there's no way he'd even let himself get drugged!
But then just WHAT is wrong with him. Has he just finally lost it? Snapped and gone mad? No, he still looked like he was aware of himself and his surroundings, even if he's being a little unresponsive.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Alastor's pitiful moans. She looked at him and realized she had stopped giving him attention. She raked her nails against his scalp gently to make up for forgetting about him. He shivered, eyes lidded and smile droopy, and was practically laying on top of her.
'Maybe....he's lonely...?'

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