Need (Chapter 1)

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Alastor couldn't quite put his finger on what this feeling was. Rage perhaps? It started accumulating around the time his pathetic doppelgänger appeared.
Yes, Alastor soon found out he wasn't the only deer-radio-Demon in Hell. Standing before him was practically the opposite version of him. Blue, almost cyan in color, crying and shivering in character. He truly was a failure, an absolute mess of a demon!
So why did The Princess of Hell feel the need to dote on him?
Here she is, petting and soothing his cries, cooing at him whenever he uttered out a pathetic mewl. She would stand there, drying his stupid tears and giving him constant praises.
The red Radio Demon glances over at Vaggie, hoping she would do something about this disaster, but she seemed to have 'approved' of this creature. So far he had yet to be violent, was obedient to Charlie and hers orders, and was always polite if not downright spineless! No wonder she liked him, having something to walk all over is probably what gets her off!
Alastor grumbled to himself, his smile wavering ever so slightly. It took all of his willpower and strength to not have his doppelgänger's corpse strewn about the lobby.
"Who's a good boy?" Charlie cooed.
His crybaby other self looked back to her, hope filling his eyes. Ugh, even his tail was wagging!
"M-me....?" The blueberry hopefully asked.
"Yes! It is you! You are a good boy, yes you are! Yes you are!" She squealed, scratching him behind his ear, making him feel absolute bliss.
Alastor's own ears twitch at this sight. It stirred again. He forced it down, tightening the cage around it, making uneasy grunts. It's been awhile since he felt this unsettled, he needed to take a breather before anything else happens.
He nearly succeeded until Charlie was inches away from his face, with a worried expression on her own.
"Hey Al, are you feeling okay....?" Despite seeming close she actually kept her respectable distance. She knew how Alastor never liked physical contact, but still wanted someway to show her concern about him, even if she can't physically comfort him.
Alastor froze, his radio humming lowly.
The thing inside of him bounced around it's cage, begging for attention. It wanted to be out, no, it needed to be out.
Alastor took a deep breath, looking uneasy. "It's nothing, darling. I just am in need of fresh air." And with that he melded into the shadows.
Charlie didn't look to sure, but was interrupted by the cries of the blue radio demon being bullied by Angel, calling the fellow "Blue Balls".
At that motherly instinct kicked in and both Vaggie and Charlie were trying to separate the two.

Alastor took a minute to breathe in and out. He had positioned himself in his little guest room that he had claimed. A small, velvety and quaint room, with a view and everything.
He sat himself on the bed, head in hands.
There was a thumping sound going on in his head, back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth.... oh, it was driving him crazy!
"Oh quiet down in there! It's not always about you!" He groaned, knocking on his head a bit. The thumping still continued. At this point his famous smile was long gone. He didn't need this.
"Argh, fine then good Ol' fellow! I see how it is!" Guess he'll have to do this the hard way.
Eyes darkening he slumped into his hands, retreating to the darkest parts of his mind.
In that dark and empty space was a cage, harboring one of God's cruelest joke to demonkind.
In it was his own self, but truly the worst version of himself. No this wasn't some dark and gritty split personality. It was much worse.
Sitting in that cage was a doe-eyed version of him. He made pathetic mewls, crawling on all fours. He was head butting the cage door.
To think that he had something so weak and vulnerable within him caused him to shudder.
It was disgusting, pathetic! He was above this!
This creature, which who he dubbed Bambi (after being forced to have a movie night with the crew), had been there since the beginning of his death. At first Alastor didn't mind his company, and in fact even welcomed it. It was a curious little creature, and Alastor, dare-say, found it amusing. Feeling its excitement and wonder to everything in the world was something he had long forgotten. Sadly, that all changed when he saw the peculiar demon princess on tv, singing her heart out.
Bambi was enamored by her and her dreams. What were once dark and cruel thoughts floating around his subconscious were now filled to the brim of sunshine and rainbows.
Alastor hated it.
After that it was a constant fight for control, something Alastor hadn't been prepared for, especially when he was overthrown from reigning over his own body. Luckily, at that moment in time, he was doing his weekly hunting in hell's woods. When that happened, he was surprised to find himself looking around but not able to move on his own. He was unresponsive to his own body!
On the other hand, that day was a great day for Bambi. He had never known what the grass or trees felt like, well felt on his own terms. He looked around in childlike wonder, tail wagging in excitement.
The world was just so wonderful and - oh what is this flying winged creature? Alastor grimaced in disgust at the fact that his own body had stooped as low as following a butterfly, with a stupid goofy grin on its face that wasn't even his own.
Fortunately for Alastor, he managed to gain control again before his deer self had reached public eye. After that he swore to never have an incident like this happen, locking his other up in a mental cage.
Yet here he was, with a headache and an upset deer caged in front of him.
The feral version of Alastor looked at him, eyes angry but not yet defeated. He was puffing his cheeks angrily, stamping his feet to show how upset he was. This just caused Alastor to groan in pain as the stomp reverberated throughout his head.
"You're a real nuisance, you know? If I could I would kill you, but such is luck." He groaned. He had tried many times to kill his other deer self, this untrained and wild self, but to no avail. It just wouldn't die!
"My deer, you're not getting out, and that's final." He felt like a dad scolding an unruly child, though that exactly didn't feel far off from the truth.
The creature blew air out of its mouth and turned away, a sign of protest against the other. It's pouting face did not suit Alastor's smiling persona. What a cruel joke this was.
"Now now, you pest! I'm the one in charge here if I have anything to say about! In fact, you don't get to have a say in this! EVER!" He pointed at the creature, receiving a light growl in response.
"Now don't you start-"
"Hey Alastor, are you still okay...? It's been 2 hours and it's starting to worry us a lot..." a small voice said outside of the Alastors inner thoughts.
Bambi perked his ears up upon hearing Charlie's voice. He needed to see her! He just needed to!
He prepared himself, ready to charge.
"Wait hold on-!"
With a deafening clash and a headbutt to Alastor, Bambi was free.

(I hope this ain't too weird for y'all, had this in mind for awhile. I hope y'all enjoyed this as much as I did when writing it!)

Bambi (Charlastor/RadioDust)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant