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Even for a spirit, something told you that he wasn't quite used to being seen. If it was up to you, you would have completely ignored him like you would usually until he disappeared, but Jamie and Sophie was able to see him. You had to figure out why, so confronting him and asking question was the only thing you could think of. You crossed your arms defensively when you held eye contact with him. His boyish charm showed through with his smirk.

"Yes," you confirmed, "I can see you." His smile dropped from the tone of your voice. He took a half step back as you demanded him, "Who are you?"

"My name is Jack Frost," he hesitated. He flinched away when he introduced himself. He didn't look the lease bit comfortable in his situation.

Your eyebrows lifted with the new information you received. It would explain the snow-like hair and the bright blue eyes, but he was a bit younger looking than what you expect from the fairytales.

"How is it Jamie is able to see you?" you asked more.

Jack hummed, "Well, when a child believes in beings like us, they are able to see us."

"Whose 'us?'" you adjusted yourself carefully with one elbow leaning against the desk beside you and your enclosed hand supporting your chin.

Jack stuttered, "Do you believe in the tooth fairy?"

Although it was meant as a joke, you didn't smile, let alone laughed. You stayed silent as you watched the flustered spirit before you. You finally sighed and rubbed your temple before it began to twitch. "Let me get this straight," you began, "you want me to believe that there's a pixie that travels to every child's home collecting teeth and leaving loose change under their pillows? You want me to believe that you're 'old man winter'—oh, and!—Santa is real!" Your tone should have been cheery like you made it seem to be, but you facade told someone else otherwise.

"Uh," he interrupted, "actually, she's a hummingbird and she has these little hummingbird helpers that collect the teeth for her."

Your memory flashed back to a month ago when you thought you saw something abnormal from a hummingbird outside of your window at home. You shook your head quickly, dismissing the unforgettable memory. "Forget the details," you declined, "why should I believe you to be Jack Frost?"

"Well," he started with a grin, "why wouldn't I be?"

You opened your mouth to retort, but a snowflake, no bigger than the size of your fingertip, fell in front of you, making you blink out of focus as you watched many more fall in awe. You stared in shock as you realized you were still inside, but it seems the snow was coming from out of no where. You looked over at the empty cup that was once filled with water. Frost formed around the cup in unique designs. There was a chill in the air that made your bare feet turn cold from the exposure. Is he doing all of this?

Looking back at him once more, there was a gentle smile on his face from watching you. He was enjoying your disbelief in an innocent manner. A snowflake blew around wildly before landing on your nose. You flinched from the unexpected movement, but you were hit with a sudden wave of euphoria.

You sighed out a chuckle, "You really are him."

"Was there any doubt?" he joked. His sparkling pearls showed through his lips. He laughed slightly at his success in convincing you.

You rolled your eyes while you tried to shove down the smile creeping on your lips. Whatever spell he put on you made you want to giggle with him, you told yourself.

Word Count: 628


Yes, I Can See You. [Jack Frost x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now