Chapter XVII

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The world swayed beneath Adrien's feet. He couldn't possibly be hearing correctly right? His father, Hawkmoth? Albeit not the warmest man you would ever meet, he certainly didn't seem cruel enough to be Paris' notorious Hawkmoth.

"Adrien?" Someone touched his shoulder.

Adrien was going to puke.

"Adrien, please take a seat."

He recognized the voice as Nathalie's, but he couldn't make out what she was saying.

The ringing in his ears was getting louder by the second.

"Take him away, I'll talk to him later." Someone said. "I've got more important matters to attend."

Adrien was moving... No, he was being moved.

Do something you idiot!

Adrien snapped out of his daze long enough to see his father guiding Guardian Angel away from them.

"Wait!" He shouted and planting his feet in the ground.

Gabriel paused and looked at his son, with a quirked eyebrow.

Adrien pulled away from Nathalie's grasp and walked up to his father.

"I'm going with her, wherever you take her." Adrien grabbed Guardian Angels arm.

Guardian Angel turned to him and smiled glad that he was ok.

"There's no way I'm leaving her alone to the likes of you." Adrien said, looking at his father with disgust.

Gabriel sighed, done with his son's attitude. He didn't know what was best for him.

He turned to Guardian Angel.

"If he comes with us he'll be in a lot of danger, it'll be safer if he stays here." He told her.

A flash of worry passed Guardian Angel's eyes. She looked at Adrien and pushed him down to a chair.

"Please Adrien, stay here I promise everything will be okay."

She walked back to Gabriel.

Adrien growled and stood up.

"I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but you give me no more option!"

Adrien pulled his ring out, he had been able to pickpocket it from Guardian Angel when they were on their way to his house.

Gabriel gasped, coming to realization.

"Plagg claws out!" Adrien exclaimed.

All Gabriel could do is watch, as his child changed into one of his worst enemies.

"So father, how's it feel to know that you've been fighting your son this whole time?"

"How dare you?!" Gabriel screamed. "You are no son of mine!"

Gabriel charged at Chat Noir, and vice versa.

Both men were about to attack, when Guardian Angel stepped in between them; clearly defending Adrien.

"You don't touch him." She said, dangerous glint in her eye.

Gabriel frowned, and shoved her aside.

Guardian Angel let out a yelp as she fell. Chat Noir watched helplessly as her head bounced of the floor, his heart started racing when she didn't get back up.

He growled and turned back to his father; who had now transformed as Hawkmoth, and was wielding his sword.

"Why are you doing this father! All those people you've hurt, you've destroyed the city multiple times! You've been fighting teenagers! Why?! How do you have the heart to do all of it!" Chat Noir cried, as he swung his baton.

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