Chapter 14

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Harriet's life went on as usual. She went to school, came home, did her homework. The only thing different was that after school, she wouldn't head over to the park. Harriet didn't quite know why she just couldn't face it yet. After all, it was there where it all began and also where it all fell apart. That place was filled with too many memories, so for the time being, she avoided it completely.

Things did her better for Harriet though. In school, she avoided Sebastian as best she could, and when they did happen to run into each other, she would nod in acknowledgement, then walk away to find James. In fact, Harriet spent most of her free time at school and outside of it with him.

"Harriet, would you like me to drive you to school? I could pick you up and then drive you back," James asked one day after school, as he was walking Harriet back to her house. Harriet, who was startled by the offer, stopped to consider it. Finally she answered yes, she'd like that very much. "It's my pleasure," James replied as they started back up towards Harriet's house.

When they reached the front door, James asked if he could come inside for a minute. When Harriet said yes, James headed straight upstairs towards Harriet's room. Harriet came up a few minutes later after shutting the door and saying hi to her mom. When Harriet walked into her room she saw James lying down on her bed, spread out like he was making a snow angel. Not wanting to disturb him, she quietly pulled out the chair hidden under her desk and placed it in front of her bed. Then she sat down and waited. She didn't know why she was waiting or for what, she just felt it was right to wait. And so that's what she did.

After a few minutes of silence, James spoke.

"I bought you this for your birthday. I meant to give it to you earlier, but I forgot. Then it was too late, and I didn't know when. Sorry."

Harriet took the little box and opened it. When she saw what it was, she gasped. "Oh James! This is beautiful! I love it so very much. Thank you!" she said as she pulled out of the box a necklace with a little heart dangling from it. The heart caught the sunlight coming through Harriet's window and reflected all the colours of the rainbow all over her room. Both Harriet and James admired the colours.

Finally, James said he should get back home. "I wish I could stay longer but I really have to get going. I'll pick you up tomorrow ok?"

"I'll be waiting," Harriet replied, "And thank you again so much for this beautiful gift! I truly love it!"

James nodded but said nothing. When he reached her door, before walking out, he turned back and smiled. It was his great big smile that Harriet loved so much. Then he walked out.

Once Harriet was ready for bed, she lay down on her bed and smiled. Her last thought before falling asleep was of how wide James's smile had been. How the corners of his lips seemed to reach the corners of his eyes. And how his beautiful ocean blue eyes looked when she had opened his gift. It was priceless. A look she'd never forget.

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