"Time for a new you!" Seokjin exclaimed, grabbing Taehyung's wrist and pulling the younger male towards his bathroom. "I've been waiting for this my whole life."

"To change me?"

"No, idiot, do dye your boring ass hair," Seokjin said.

"Why did you decide to dye your hair?" Keunji asked, leaning against the wall.

Taehyung shrugged. "I just think its time for a change, my life is so boring."

"Change as in...just hair?" Namjoon asked.

Taehyung shrugged again as Seokjin started to do his hair. "I want to start with my hair...I thought it'd be exciting."

Keunji giggled. "How about next we put some makeup on?"

"I'm a guy-"

"Joon lets me do his makeup, masculinity is social construct, men can wear makeup."

Taehyung looked at himself in the mirror, how his skin looked bland and oily, the pimples, dry lips - "okay."

Keunji cheered, throwing her hands up. "I'll be back, my makeup kit is in our car."

Seokjin didn't tell him what colour hair dye he decided to buy and Taehyung only figured out after getting his hair bleached and when the older male began to put in the dye. On the box was a woman with the brightest colour of red hair Taehyung has ever seen. While doing his hair, Seokjin blabbed about anything he could think of. Hoseok wasn't there because he had to go to a teacher's meeting and Seokjin was because their dog was on a playdate with their neighbour's dog.

Did Taehyung ever feel like he was the fifth wheel when they all hung out together? Yes, most definitely, so he secretly enjoyed the fact that Hoseok wasn't there. All four tried to make him feel included but Taehyung still didn't like hanging out with them when their other half is there, as selfish and fake-friendish as it sounds.

"Do you want to go clubbing tonight?" Keunji asked as she traded places with Seokjin who put Taehyung's hair in a net so the dye could sink in. She took Taehyung's face in her hand and dipped her finger in cream. "This will make your face smoother and when you wash it off, it cleanses it."

"Clubbing?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, who said anything about clubbing?" Seokjin interjected.

"Joon and I were talking about it, we've been so cooped up with school and work that we should release so we were talking about going to Neon if you guys want to come that'd be great."

Taehyung wanted to say no, as he knew they knew what he felt about clubs and drinking. He hated the idea of being around alcohol-smelling people who brushed up against him with no care and he wasn't even a fan of drinking unless it was a glass of wine to settle down stress from school. But then he began thinking about how boring his life was and how he was thinking about adding excitement earlier.

"I... I'll think about it..." He said, watching Keunji carefully rub mint-coloured cream on his face.

"Oh my gosh, you're changing," she said. "I don't know if I should feel excited or scared."

"Live life to the fullest," Namjoon said, "Tae finally wants to live."

The other two seemed to agree and Taehyung wondered if it was because they all secretly wanted Taehyung to change and be more open with his life; to stop being so closed up and tight. He didn't voice his thoughts but instead smiled and continued talking to the other three until it was time to wash the dye out and the cream off his face.

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