Tommy Shepherd: "So, you went to juvie?"

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Jan 21, 2020

Title: "So, you went to Juvie?"
Character: Tommy Shepherd/ Speed
Spoilers: if you haven't read any of the young avengers series, yeah you might get some things spoiled
Tw: none

i absolutely love the young avengers to the point where i've been obsessively collecting the comics...ive probably spent a good ~100$ on just young avengers comics lately. hope you enjoy this,



"Y/n?" Kate called from somewhere in Bishop Publishing's, the current base of the Young Avengers. "Code green!"

With a roll of your eyes, you slyly flipped out of the telekinetic bubbles you'd been floating in and found your way to Hawkeye, not Clint Barton, but rather his younger counterpart, Kate Bishop.

"What did he do this time?" 'He' was referring to Tommy Shepherd, the newest addition to the team, and surprisingly, not the Hulk. No, Tommy was the counterpart of Quicksilver, if Quicksilver could create explosions.

"That's the thing!" Billy burst into the room, running an exasperated hand through his back hair. It took you a second to realize that this was Billy, not Tommy. "He won't tell us! He's just getting all pissy and dodging our questions."

"Billy," Teddy came from nowhere to comfort their boyfriend. "Calm down, Tommy will be fine."

You ignored the couple and turned back to Kate. "Where is he?"

She directed you to the basement, where you could hear small explosions winding out. For some reason, you were the only one on the team Tommy would listen to.

Whether it was because you had a similar power set to his long lost twin brother, or a similar carefree attitude to Tommy himself, you weren't sure.

You gently knocked on the wall. Not really a courtesy to Tommy, but to yourself so he wouldn't almost blow you up like last time. "Tommy?"

"Go away," his voice was muffled by his hand, which he seemed to be sucking on.

"Hey, T. What's going on?" You slid down next to him at the wall.

"Mild revenge plotting, some sex fantasies. What's it to you?" The insecure demeanour he'd taken on had completely disappeared behind his usual facade.

"Come on Tommy, I know you better than that. You don't start blowing things up just because you feel like it."

"No! You don't! So stop pretending like you do!" He shook his head repeatedly, "I thought this would work, but clearly you know nothing about me."

You tried to stop him, but he was on the other side of the room. And then he was next to you in his Speed costume. And then his arms were under your legs and neck, and the world disappeared beneath your feet. Your heart stopped at the warm breath tickling your neck.

You stroked his cheek. "Tommy, I care about you. I want this to work."

"If you knew me, knew anything about me, you wouldn't care the way you do. No one would."

Tommy disappeared in a flash of green, leaving only a breeze and the chilling thought he'd left with you: you don't know Tommy Shepherd, you know Speed and a simple talk wasn't going to calm him down this time.

"You don't get it, Eli," you winced as Cassie continued to tug strands of hair from both you and Kate to make a huge braid. "Tommy isn't normally like this—he doesn't run away for days at a time!"

"Don't be so dense y/n." Eli retorted. "Tommy isn't that all-amazing good boy you think he is. He idolized the Wolverine for months because he was the only Avenger who let Tommy blow shit up."

"By shit, he means people." Teddy called out, for some reason in roller blades and dragging Billy behind him by a skipping rope.

"People?!" You sputtered out and attempted to chase after the boys, to no avail.

"Yeah," Kate flipped a page in a magazine with a hand that wasn't coated in nail polish. "He went a little wild after we broke him out of juvie."

"Juvie? Tommy? In Juvie! No way!"

"He's pretty insecure about it too, so it's best not you mention his whole rebellion thing. Things totally changed once you came around."

"He changed for me?"

"Seems like the second you came around, he stopped making passes at the rest of us." Kate blew on a freshly painted hand.

"Guys, I'll be back. I—I have to find Tommy."

You managed to find Tommy a few hours later, curled up in a pile of laundry somewhere in the basement.

"So," you flashed a shy grin at the green clad boy. "You went to Juvie?"

Tommy tossed his chalky hair, his whole face lighting up in a grin. "Come here," he kneeled down.

You ran to him and readied yourself to be accepted into his arms, for good this time.

A hand on your hip and the other on the small of your back, drawing you closer. Closer to Tommy. His lips brushed on yours and suddenly the world vanished from under your feet, not from going faster than the world was turning, but from the way your heart sped up in the arms of your speedster.

He grabbed your hand, focusing on how much smaller it was than his. He drew it to the collar of his t-shirt, letting your fingers intertwine with the collar. He gave a gentle tug on your hand and in turn, you rugged on his shirt.

"I'm yours now," he breathed. "For as long as you'll have me"

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