“Then why won’t you get rid of him?” She shouts.

“Because he’s human just like you and me! He makes mistakes!” I explain.

“Oh, so now you’re defending him!” Anna rolls her eyes.

I watch Kristoff and Hans walk in.

“He doesn’t deserve a second chance Elsa.” Anna adds.

“Everyone deserves a second chance.” I tell her.

“He doesn’t, and you know it.” She yells at me, pointing at Hans.

“Anna, calm down.” Kristoff attempts to calm her down, running his hand down her arm to hold her hand.

Anna only yanks it away.

“Elsa, he needs to leave.” Anna demands.

“No Anna, he needs to explain everything to us. He doesn’t have to leave.” I retort.

“Yes he does.” Anna argues.

“I’m the queen, he doesn’t have to leave unless I say so, and I don’t say so.” I yell at her.

“You’re picking him over me Elsa! You are picking a murderous power hungry psycho over your own sister.” Anna says.

I clench my fists together to keep any magic from leaving them.

“No I’m not.” I explain.

“Yes you are.” Anna debates over the matter with me.

“Anna, enough. I am not discussing this anymore.” I glare.

“Don’t walk away Elsa. I want to know why you are picking him over me.” She says.

“Anna no! You are going to cause an accident.” I warn her.

“Then just tell me why!” Anna demands.

I feel ice creep off my finger tips and shoot straight for Anna and Kristoff.

“Anna!” I exclaim.

I watch the magic as it heads straight for my sister. Then it is engulfed by a red flame that explodes into the air above us. I duck and so does Kristoff, but not Anna. She stares in horror at her hands.

“Anna?” I ask.

“Elsa… I did that.” She whispers in fright, her hands shaking and her eyes filled with tears.

I stare at her hands, not sure what just happened. I look into her eyes as tears fall down her pink cheeks. They are red.

“Anna your eyes… they’re red.” I stutter.

She puts her hands to her cheeks and I see her top lip quiver, as if she’s ready to cry.

“Anna…” Kristoff begins.

“Don’t touch me.” Anna says as she runs out of the room.

Kristoff follows her, leaving me and Hans alone. I stare at the spot where the ice and flame met, causing the explosion.

“Elsa, thank you.” He thanks me.

“For what?” I ask, my voice shaky.

“Standing up for me.” He says.

I nod.

“Will, will you, um, go on a walk with me?” I stutter.

He nods and we leave the dining room. I lead him out to the gardens.

“Hans, what are you doing here?” I ask.

“You told me to go-” he begins.

“Not here. What are you doing in Arendelle?” I rephrased.

“I needed to apologize. The guilt was killing me. I also needed to check on Anna.” He explains.

“Why?” I wonder.

“I knew she was going to get sick. I wanted to make sure you were both okay.” He tells me.

“Since when do you care what happens to either of us?” I mutter.

“Since the guilt started killing me.” He replies.

“If guilt is the only reason you’re here then I suggest you leave.” I warn him.

“No, I’m truly sorry.” Hans admits, looking down.

“Okay, I believe you. Just promise me one thing.” I tell him.

“What?” He asks.

“Don’t ever do anything to harm Anna or me again.” I whisper.

“Okay, I promise.” He swears.

I nod and look down. I feel like, for some odd reason, I can trust him now. Like I could tell him anything, despite the fact he previously wanted me dead.

“Hans, how did you know Anna was going to get sick?” I ask.

He opened his mouth to speak, but we heard a twig snap and he closed his mouth.

“Elsa, Anna isn’t doing so well.” Kristoff tells me, stepping out from the bushes.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“She is burning up again.” He explains.

“I know why.” Hans whispers so only I could hear.

“Don’t call the physician. She’ll be fine.” I assure Kristoff.

“I swear, if she is lost I’m-”

“She won’t be.” I interrupt.

He walks off.

“Hans, I’m not done speaking with you, but I need to go to bed and clear my mind.” I sigh.

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He agrees.

I walk out of the gardens and up to my room. I lay down in my bed and stare at my ceiling. The sound of the snow blowing outside picks up. The ice stealthily creeps on my ceiling, finding its way all around. I somehow find sleep through watching this. I try to talk to Anna for weeks, to get her to leave her room. Nothing works. She won’t even talk to Kristoff. Weeks pass before she’ll even come to the table to eat with us. Her hair is considerably longer, but still gorgeous. Her eyes are fiery red and her freckles enhance them. She gives none of us a second glance, which is the most unusual thing I’ve ever seen her do.

“Anna, are you okay?” I ask.

“Leave me alone Elsa.” She mutters.

Every night, I would visit Hans in the gardens and talk to him about Anna, and this night was no exception. I walk into the gardens and find Hans staring at a bush of roses.

“Hans, what’s wrong with her?” I ask him.

“I’m not sure…” He sighs.

“She’s not Anna anymore. This is someone else. It’s like she’s been changed by something.” I say.

“I’ve noticed how she looks at everyone now. Especially you and Kristoff.” He replies.

“I just want Anna back.” I whimper.

“I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Hans comforted.

“I hope you’re right.” I sigh before getting up and going towards the castle so I could go to sleep. “Good night Hans.” I add.

“Good night Elsa.” He replies.

I go to my room and lay down. I find sleep eventually. 


So hey guys! I bring you the next chapter! I personally was really proud of this chapter for some odd unknown reason. Anyway, the song I chose for this chapter was Human by Christina Perri bc while it's slow, it represents how both Anna and Elsa messed up.

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