Chapter 1 - The Initiative

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It was the summer and my birthday was coming up. I was going to be six, and I couldn't wait for my princess party. We were rich, and I was spoiled, so it was going to be pretty big. Last year we had gone upstairs on the third floor of our mansion and decorated in a mermaid theme, and I had invited about 15 kids. They all showed up, and I have to say, my grandma did an amazing job decorating. I had this years party all planned out. We would decorate in pink and sparkles and pearls everywhere, and I would even have one of my friends sleep over for my first sleepover ever. Life was going good, and I knew what was coming. I knew were everyone was going, and Grandma didn't really mind. I was, after all, about to be six, and I was going to be a big girl. There was nothing stopping me.

Before I go on, let me help you picture my house, so you can understand it's enormity. We lived on a 5 acre plot of land, in a two million dollar house, with a HUGE backyard complete with playground, 10 foot rock pond, and a porch that was all along the back of the house. I had my very own stage in the basement complete with two dressing rooms filled with dress up clothes and props, and I was loving it. I used to put on shows every night for my whole family. I would sing, and dance, and play piano too. We had a maid, and lawn care, and my grandpa owned his own prosperous company. Life was sweet, and I was spoiled rotten. But I didn't act like a spoiled rotten kind if kid. I was just right.

I lived with my grandparents, my mom, and my great grandma, and we all got along pretty well. Grandma was pretty much the only one who took care of me, and when mom was busy sleeping I didn't mess with her, but I didn't really mind. Mom and Dad got divorced when I was only one, and I never met him or even knew anything about him. He wasn't a part of my life, and nobody wanted him to be... except for me. So in all of the mess and turmoil, my mom went back to some old habits, and got a little side tracked, so my grandparents took me in, and got full custody over me.

Anyways, back to my sixth birthday party. It was going to have a specialty cake from a specialty cake store that looked like a carriage, complete with two horses and pearls everywhere, and it was going to be pink. The upstairs room where all of my parties were held was going to be decorated with fabric draped over the walls, and sparkles and beads, and pink and white feathers everywhere. The clothing for the party was princess themed, and I was going to provide the tiaras. Of course mine was real, so I was going to have to be sure not to break it.

I planned this party all on my own, and nothing was going to make me change my mind about any of it. Grandma didn't mind - she thought it was very nice -  and so I was looking forward to my party that was only two months away... Until that dreaded day came. My grandma said the words that every child, teenager, and even some adults hate to hear.

"We're moving."

Moving? MOVING?!?! That was NOT part of the plans that I had for my party; not part of the plans that I had for my life. But there was nothing I could do. I remember playing in all of the boxes that were going to be used for packing. I remember when we started filling them with things, and then when they eventually all were filled. It only took one week to take everything out of my home and pack it into boxes. The day the moving truck came was a sad one. It was the day that they took my home and turned it into a house, and the worst part was when the family that bought our house starting moving their things in before we had even finished leaving. I didn't want it to be their house. I didn't want it to be their home.

We only moved five minutes down the road, but we downsized a lot. There was only enough room for everyone to get a room, have a guest room, and my toy room. There wasn't any extra space or stage for me to sing on, and I didn't quite understand. There was no room for my party to be in, but Grandma assured me that she would figure it out.

The day we moved in I went exploring in the back yard. Or.. the woods that led to a golf course. We didn't have a back yard or a playground, and when I got curious enough to explore just a little to the other side of our yard, I saw that my new neighbor had two children. A boy who looked older than me (I immediately took no interest in him), and then a little girl who looked my age. They were playing in the sand box next to their playground in their amazingly lush backyard, and I wanted to make friends right away. I was so exited, I ran inside and up the stairs and begged Grandma to let me go meet them.

Even though I was exited, I was a very shy person at first, and walking over to a strangers backyard was frightening for a five year old... who was almost six. My Grandmother introduced me, and I found out that the little girl's name was Lindsay, and her brother's was Ethan. They were really nice, and even invited me to play with them in the sandbox. Of course i said yes, and we were soon building little tunnels and mountains for the race cars that we were playing with.

They had a nanny called Joy, and she really was the most amazing person ever. She was was from the Philippines, and even though she wasn't always great with the English grammar and pronunciation, she loved me and I loved her too. We all just sort of bonded then and there. Well, except for me and Ethan. I wanted to be his friend, I really did, but he didn't want to be friends. I don't think. I was five, and he was eight, and so I was a "little kid" to him.

He was nice sometimes, but other times he would make my tunnels collapse, and throw my cars, and I would try to ask politely if he could not do that, but I was a stubborn only child, and I don't think that I was always nice.

And so I met Lindsay and Ethan, and after eating lunch with them, I ended up going home to unpack. But not after inviting my new best friend, Lindsay, to my sixth birthday party. I couldn't wait, and after describing it to her, neither could she.

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