"Oh, yeah! She said she wasn't feeling well, so she took a sick day," Jace explained calmly. I let out a small gasp. I turned to look at my bestie, Dillon. He seemed to have noticed my gasp because a tiny, almost inaudible, snicker escaped his lips as he stared back at me. I blinked at him a couple of times, confused.

"Emma... sick?" I attempted to process, whilst Dillon continued to smile idiotically at me. "Yeah... uh... thanks Jace..." I was still in a daze. Everyone left the classroom in a rush and I was left standing there like an idiot.

The rest of the day was honestly just boring. I sat thinking about why Emma took a sick day. It was stressing me out. I needed something to get my mind off of it. Maybe I could walk it off?

Marinette POV

I stood waiting on the platform where I was meant to meet Chat Noir. I stood there without a sound. I stayed that way for about five minutes before I finally heard a small thump behind me. Half expecting a pick-up line of the sort, I turned to face a very concerned looking Chat Noir.

"Wow, Chat. That was quiet, not to mention slow," I stated. "You left at the same time as me, yet you show up 10 minutes late?" He shook his head. He was clearly not in the mood. I stood still, awkwardly, rolling on the balls of my feet.

"Seriously Kitty. What happened to being flirty and annoying? Your scaring me. Are you alright?" I said quickly. Keeping his distance, Chat sighed.

"I'm fine, milady. You needn't worry about me."

"Are you still mad at me because of the Scorekeeper incident? That fight was my fault..." Chat shook his head slightly. "You know you can tell me anything. Please," I pleaded. Looking up, I noticed his eyes were bloodshot and his face emotionless. He walked over to me and held my hands. His hands, or gloves, were cold and unsettling to touch.

"I'm not lying, Mari, I swear," He lied, I could feel it. I didn't push him away. Instead, I placed a finger and thumb on his chin and forced him to make eye contact with me.

"Chat, I know you're lying," I said sternly, refusing to even blink. "You're hurting me, Chat. By not telling the truth... If it's concerning you so much that you feel you have to hide it from me, I think you need to tell me..." Chat Noir looked away and could've sworn I heard him sob. Next thing I knew, he yanked my hands away from him and turned away.

"Fine. It's... It's Emma..." He stammered. Yep, he was definitely sobbing. I whacked him on the back of the head.


"Lying to me is one thing but about our daughter?! What is wrong with you, Adrien?!" I screamed. He looked at me sheepishly. He sighed.

"She's been acting different lately... and she had to take another sick day today! I think she might be coming down with something!" He looked down at me eyes filled with worry.

"Kitty, she's fifteen now. If something was bothering her, she would tell us. I'll have a word with her when we get home, but I'm sure she's fine," I placed a hand on his cheek as he nodded. "We should go home soon," I pressed a small kiss to his lips and grabbed his hand. We leapt away.

Charlotte POV

I continued to ponder as to why Emma was away today as I walked slowly on the dimly lit sidewalk. Late walks at night always helped to clear my head. Not tonight though. My thoughts must have taken over my brain, because the next thing I knew, I crashed into someone and lay sprawled out on the floor.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I immediately apologised, standing up in an attempt to brush the dirt off my clothes. However, as soon as I saw who it was, my legs turned to mush and my hands fell limp to my sides (I wouldn't be surprised if my mouth was hanging open, either).

"Oh! Emma! I going where I wasn't looking! I mean-" Great. Now I can't talk. "I mean; I wasn't looking going where I was! I mean-" My brain told me told to get a hold of myself and form complete sentences, but my heart was on another path. "Emma? Are you alright?" Yes! A sentence! "You don't seem yourself." It was true. She didn't seem like herself. She was awfully quiet, somewhat tense and sort of scruffy? More importantly; she looked sad. 

She didn't say anything. She just shrugged.

"Are you sure? Maybe I could walk you home?" I was suddenly very worried about my classmate and mega crush.

"No thank you... I'm fine..." Emma's voice was scratchy and weak. She gave me a tiny wave before walking straight past me. I felt as though I could collapse. Not because I had just spoken to the potential love of my life, but because she was lying. She was clearly not fine. I just hoped she would be at school tomorrow.

Sooo... Yep this is No Matter What and it is a sequel to Everything Changes... but can be read separately. TRIAL CHAPTER. Just to clear things up:

1. It has been (about) 21 years since our babies got their miraculous (i ain't here for maths so don't eat me)

2. Emma is 15 (duh)

3. Emma DOES NOT know that her parents are Ladybug and Chat Noir. Alya does. 

4. Hawkmoth is still here and is still a pain (all of this was written before S2 so...)

Ask questions if you want

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