racing in the rain | kagehina

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Kageyama rounded the corner of the practice room in the dead of night, his eyes trained on the grass as he strolled forward. His path was illuminated only by a few streetlights. Kageyama normally avoided walking in the dark, but tonight he barely glanced at his surroundings, a smile playing on his lips. Their practice game was a resounding success; each of his sets landed perfectly and to top it all off, he and Hinata had sealed the match with their quick attack. After the game, he held back to work on his jump serves, intending only to stay for an hour, but he had left the gymnasium at nine in the evening when he finally decided he was done.

The buzz of cicadas filled the air like television static. Kageyama relied on his feet to lead the way home, his mind swimming with too many thoughts to focus on his route. He was aware of his own improvement even during the game, noticing every detail of his tosses. Even the smallest tilt of his wrist impacted the spin, the speed, the position. And the rush of adrenaline that followed the quick attack... it was incomparable. The court was his terrain, his motherland. He was a fish back in the water every time he touched the ball.

Kageyama felt the prick of a raindrop on his arm. He glanced at the sky, where the moon had been covered entirely with charcoal clouds. Another drop graced his hand as he held it out, then another, and soon the moments between each raindrop turned to single-digit seconds. He still had a significant distance to go, and not one bus stop or any other shelter was in sight. The water seeped through his clothing, leaving cold kisses on his skin.

Tobio turned his head to the source of the sound to see Hinata bounding towards him, the wind twirling in his hair. His voice was clear over the sound of raindrops bursting on the concrete. Hinata's clothes were soaked with water and dripped off of him with every step. He was panting when he finally stopped in front of Kageyama.

"Why aren't you at home?" Kageyama lectured. "Don't you know that you can get sick from running in the rain, idiot?" He held back the urge to smile; Hinata's presence made him happier than he cared to admit.

Hinata lifted his head to look him in the eye. "I could ask you the same thing. I was going for a run until it started raining, but now I don't know how to get home," he said. A mischievous look flickered through Hinata's eyes, but lingered long enough for Kageyama to notice.

"So you're lost?" Kageyama asked.

"Yep, pretty much."

"Sounds like a problem."

"No, I'll find my path back eventually. Anyway, what are you doing outside at this hour?" Hinata tilted his head in curiosity.

"I was practicing my serving."

"You were practicing for all that time?" Hinata's eyes widened as he grinned at Kageyama. "Awesome!"

Kageyama felt his cheeks flush. "Not really."

Hinata opened his mouth to say something, but was cut short by the accelerating speed of the rainfall. If they didn't find shelter in a few minutes, they would be soaked even through their shoes. Without warning, he grabbed Kageyama's arm and pulled him tightly against his side. Kageyama felt his breath hitch in his throat.

"Lead the way to your house. If we don't start moving now, we'll both catch colds," he said. He linked his arm around Kageyama's, his skin slick with rain. Then he heaved him forward and before he knew it, they were running in the rain, their hands entwined and their lungs giving out from laughing.

Kageyama barely noticed the rainfall anymore, focusing only on the fleeting feeling of Hinata's hand in his own and the adrenaline dancing through his veins. The entire town must have heard their voices echoing through the street.


They passed three neighborhoods before Kageyama realized they were in his own. He almost wished the distance was farther, grasping at any extra moments he could spare with Hinata in his arms. They ran together for a few minutes more, their legs begging to tire and their reservoir of energy dwindling. By the time they reached Kageyama's house, they were barely trudging forward and they were covered in water as if they had dived into a lake.

Kageyama and Hinata collapsed onto the sidewalk, their backs to each other. The rain never ceased its downpour, but at this point, it couldn't have soaked the pair any more than it already had.

"That sure was an workout..." Hinata panted, letting his head fall against Kageyama's shoulder.

"I never thought I'd hear you say you were tired," Kageyama said, laughing.

"I didn't say I was tired. I said it was a workout. Why, are you tired?"

"Obviously not."

"Oh, really?" Hinata challenged. He slowly rose to stand, his chest heaving as he breathed. His wet clothes clung tightly to his body. Kageyama averted his eyes to the ground, and silently thanked God for the darkness that covered his embarrassed expression.

"Okay, only a bit," Kageyama admitted. He grabbed the hand that Hinata extended towards himself and lifted himself to his feet. They stood in the engulfing blanket of silence, their eyes locked in a pas de deux. Kageyama felt his thoughts drifting, the earth under him swaying.

"Hey, Kagayema?" Hinata said, shattering the stillness like glass.


Hinata didn't wait for a response. He snaked his hand up to Kageyama's neck and closed the distance between them. Kageyama's heart pounded in his chest. He was frozen with shock at first, then melted into the kiss after a few seconds. He was living his daydreams, the recurring image of Hinata's lips on his own finally palpable, finally real.

They gently pulled away.

"Hinata..." Kageyama started, but was interrupted by a second kiss, the same soft gesture but fueled with passion.

"Don't catch a cold, Kageyama," Hinata whispered as their lips parted. He stepped backwards, the warmth of their shared touch fading into the air.

"The same to you," Kageyama responded. He watched as Hinata gave him a final wave, his smile lingering even as he walked away. He had never been more thankful for the rain.

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