She must have been pretty lost in thought, because Dick suddenly nudged Reese in the ribs, making the brunette look up to see Robin staring at her, one eyebrow raised.

"What's going on in that head of yours, pretty bird?" he asked quietly, and Reese straightened up.

"We can't protect every kid on Earth," she began, an idea starting to form in her head as Dick, Zatanna, and Kaldur all stared at her. "Obviously, there aren't enough of us for that, and we would be spread way too thin. But, what if we put a message out for the kids of Earth, telling them to protect each other? That way, everyone's leaning on each other,"

For a moment, the three people in front of Reese all stared at her, eyes wide, before Dick's face suddenly split into a wide grin, and he cupped Reese's face in his hands, eyes shining behind his shades.

"Rhysalin, you're a genius!" the thirteen-year-old exclaimed. "I could kiss you!"

For several seconds, it was dead-silent in the cave, before Dick realized what he had said, and Reese realized what he had said, and they both jerked away from each other, faces beet-red, to stand on either side of Zatanna and Kaldur, who were both trying very hard not to laugh.

"Uh...thanks," Reese said quietly, staring down at her shoes, as Dick spluttered out a response a few feet away before Robin turned to tap his commlink.

"KF, can you get back here?" he began, voice still sounding a bit strangled, and a few seconds later, Wally sped in, Artemis, Conner, and M'gann on his heels.

"Why do you both look so weird?" Artemis was the first to speak, staring at Robin and Silverbird with an odd look on her face.

Luckily, thank God for Aqualad, Kaldur saved them both from further embarrassment, walking forward, and setting a hand on Reese's shoulder.

"Reese has an idea for how we can help the children of Earth," the Atlantean began calmly, and Wally, M'gann, and Artemis all erupted into grins and even Superboy cracked a small smile.

But, all that was on Reese's mind was Dick, and what it was exactly that he had said. He'd said he could kiss her, and while that wasn't exactly an uncommon thing to say, he'd said it to her.

Maybe Reese was overthinking things (she'd done it before), but...did that mean that Dick wanted to kiss her? Did he like her too?


Twenty minutes later, Dick had changed into his Robin suit and hacked into every satellite feed on the planet but was still currently waiting for the others to be ready to start the broadcast that Reese had thought up.

God, what had he been thinking? He couldn't believe he had said that. In front of Kaldur and Zatanna no less.

Dick currently wanted to slam his head against the wall of the cave. 

The truth was, he hadn't been thinking. How smart Reese really was regularly left the young Boy Wonder awestruck, making him lose control of his words, but he couldn't believe that he'd said he could kiss her in the cave, in front of their friends.

Not that Dick didn't want to kiss Reese because believe me, he did, but not here. He didn't want their first kiss to be in Mount Justice, in front of everybody. That would be so undeniably awkward, he'd probably chicken out before anything even happened.

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