Under the Influence (1)

53 1 0

Chris Brown

"Yo Chris! You been up in this fuckin' house for far too long. You supposed to be finishing up the album as we speak nigga, get up!" Jacquan spoke loudly making my head pop up from its position on the arm of my couch. He was right, i was supposed to be at the studio right now but i came down from my high sooner than expected.

"Fuck up, what time is it nigga" I sat up a little more in my seat, rubbing my eyes and slightly rubbing my thumb up against my nose, shit was still fuckin sore.

"10pm, this is why yo ass never get any sleep, always bullshittin around, get yo ass up and meet me out in the car. Yo ass got 5 minutes!" He spoke to me like he was supposed to be my daddy or some shit.

"Yeah yeah, get the fuck out. I'll b out there when i'm out there" I rolled my eyes and stood up, headed for my bathroom. I tried to avoid looking at myself in the mirror as i turned on the sink to freshen up a bit. I know what i've turned into.. For some reason though, i still take a glance.

I'm a fuckin monster.

Dark circles surround my eyes, my once full cheeks now sink in making me look half way dead. I didn't want this for myself. I never wanted to become this.

I rubbed my hand down my face in disappointment. I'm so fuckin tired of dis shit. I exited my bathroom and went over to my nightstand where my medications sat...

Robitussin ..

Guess ima be feeling a little lazy tonight. I downed some straight from the bottle and made my way out of the house and to the studio.

I'm tired of this shit.


Hey y'all, it's been a minute. This was just an idea i came up with while i'm in the bed sick.

y'all like it or nah?


Under the Influence (c.b) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora