Under The Influence (4)

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Robyn 'RZA' Fenty

I watched Chris closely as he took a bite out of one of his "Extra wet, extra spicy" hot wings i ordered for him from a local pizza spot, the only one in town that stayed open this late. He ended up following behind me in his car while i drove mine.

Chris is a very handsome man, but I could tell from his sunken in cheeks and his baggy eyes that he would look better sober. I continued to stare unashamed of my curiosity towards the stranger.

"What?" he asked with a mouth full, finally looking me in my eyes. I start to notice the many freckles that adorned his face.

"I'm just looking. I can't look?" I sat back  and smirked, I usually had a way of making men do what I wanted. Good or bad.  but i didn't have any intentions when it came to Chris. I just wanted him to eat, which is why I invited him out with me. I knew by his movements at the club that he had probably been fueling his body with drugs all day but with no food to balance it out with. Why do I care? I don't know but I just felt like I needed to make sure he was okay. Chris smirked at my question, looking down at his food before taking his napkin and cleaning himself of the sauce.

"You a smooth ass talker Rob. I just know you be having niggas on they toes" he sat back and took a deep breath, then continued. "Thank you for real mama, I don't think I would've eaten if you hadn't made me. I appreciate it." he smiled lightly at me with low red eyes.

"It's no problem Chris. You should really take care of yourself, especially considering our.. lifestyle." I say referring to the drugs. "It's all about balance. you have to pick a struggle. especially if you don't plan on dying to this shit." I say truthfully.

"I hear you." He looked away for a second. "so what, you a professional drug addict?"

"Nah, just not dumb." I said back. Sometimes I just say whatever's on my mind and it comes out as rude but I'm really just being honest. Being born and raised in the islands will do that to you. Everybody's blunt and aggressive in what they say but they mean well.

"Hm." Chris hummed as he leaned back up and stretched.

"Well I had fun getting to know you but i'm tired and higher den a bitch. I gotta sleep this shit off." He ran his hand down his face

"It was nice meeting you as well, Chris. Maybe I'll see you again?"

"Fasho, gimme ya phone" He says as he extends his hand, waiting for me to hand it over. I smiled slightly before reaching in my purse and handing it over. I watched hun type his number in before he handed it back to me.

"See you around mama." He said as he got up from his seat and leaned down to kiss my cheek politely. I hummed as he walked away from me, and watched as he made it to his car safely. I look down at my phone to see what he saved himself as.

'Chris 🥰🍆I snorted out loud at his choice of emojis before rolling my eyes and exiting the restaurant just as he did.

okay so. ima try to keep updating as much as possible cause ik these chapters are going to be a bit on the shorter side. again, idk wtf the plot supposed to be. we just macking for now.

did y'all like her POV? she's a bit of a mystery ain't it? but so is chris atp.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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