City of Lights (I)

Start from the beginning

This 'office' could've been an apartment.

Livius turned to me, eyes still alight as he cupped my face and pressed a quick kiss to my temple. "I'm still sorry, moon. I'll be back in a bit and we can head back out again, just wait for me here, yeah?"

I nodded, and my eyes briefly shut at the feel of his warm skin against my cheeks, but one of my hands instinctively slid around his wrist, warning him not to take it any farther. And he didn't.

Instead he gave me a fleeting smile, before striding off, the doors to his office shutting behind him, leaving me with nothing but the sight beyond the window for entertainment. However, I didn't even want to go look. Not because I was scared of heights, but because they simply made me nauseous.

Heights were something else my magic couldn't save me from.

And it was that thought that made me settle on the couch, as far away from the glass panes as I could sit, and wait patiently for Livius' to return.

"What was it about?"

"Nothing of importance."

"It had to be important if they called you out here."

"It was just some misunderstanding with another business. Could've been solved over the phone, but I suppose what's done is done."

Those were the only answers I had gotten from Livius about the brief meeting that'd been held, so I had dismissed my questioning as we climbed back into his car, every moment after that becoming a blur of exhilaration and complete bliss.

He'd taken me to every bridge, the Pont des Arts being the first, and then a dozen more, then there were the museums and the random pictures passerby's willingly took of us. It was beautiful. The city was as beautiful and ancient and alive as I had imagined.

When lunch swung by, I had barely been able to sit still, even when Levon joined us and Bella shot me a brilliant smile as she followed after.

There was still so much more I wanted to see. We had yet to head to the Louvre, and I briefly wondered why it wasn't the first place Livius had taken me to, especially since I'd already told him how much I wanted to go, to see it, to feel and relive every painting in that magnificent gallery.

And I still hadn't come as close enough to the Eiffel Tower as I would've liked, but I suppose it's alright if I didn't get too close.

For now, even if we were to go home at this very moment I'd be content. Because Livius and I had walked through those streets, had mingled and learned and smiled. I'd tasted a French Macaroon for the first time in my life, and fell so in love I ended up buying five dozen of them, to Livius' complete amusement.

I'd tried out any new french food I could see and swore that I'd go home and remake them all with Chef Elijah. Because I wasn't a real cook if I couldn't reach the heights of French Cuisine, now was I?

Unfortunately, before I could run off after lunch and take in more of the Paris atmosphere, I was grabbed by none other than Sebastian West and dragged off to one of the most famous shopping malls in Paris for the 'comfortable' as he'd said earlier.

And now, I stood on a box in the center of the room, watching in horror as he pulled out a new dress for me to try on. Livius had left me to this. He, and Julian, and Elias went off to do some stupid shit, and left me to be turned into a living American doll by a French boy who just couldn't resist.

I could be roaming through the city right now. Seeing all the places Livius and I had missed, but instead, here I was, in some expensive dress shop in the middle of nowhere.

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