Day 2

8 3 6


Today, I made dinner which is rare coz I can't cook for shit. I'm like Namjoon and Tae but .0001% better. I used a fork when we had soup. I used a teaspoon to eat cereal and I used a butter-knife to cut an onion. HOW IS THAT WRONG!?!? I mean, it works, right? 

Also, who says knife(nife) when you can say knife(kuh-nife) It's so much more fun and again we should start calling bagels baggles. Baggles is so fun to freaking fracking say!

Anyway, I made dinner then my mother had the audacity to judge my cooking skills! The dIsReSpEcT! She also told me that I shouldn't be scared of fire or hot oil since then I could get hurt whilst cooking.

Basically, my mom told me not to be scared of fire. And ever since that daaaayyyyy...

 And ever since that daaaayyyyy

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Then, my brother started judging my rice saying that it was "too soft" Too soft my non-existent ass! I told him that if he want McDonaldd's or some other shit he could ahead and get it since he loves high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity so much.

I got my period randomly today and boy, it freaking fracking ducking hurts! It never hurts! If it starts hurting and I start crying in public, then Imma be pissed coz Cat don't cry in public, Cat cries at home cuddling with her stuffed animals. (SHOUT OUT TO LILY, BELLA, TEDDY, PENGUINI, CHARLIE AND ELLA FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE WITH ME AND NOT JUDGING ME WHEN I CRY SINCE YOU GUYS ARE STUFFED ANIMALS)

But seriously, I better not cry in public. If I do I will get my uterus surgically removed. Better yet, I'll surgically remove it myself. That shit cost money and I'm poor.


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