Day 3

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Yesterday, I didn't feel hungry at all and that was weird. All I ate was some Skittles which I couldn't even finish, 1/4 of some crackers, half a bag of chips and then I drank some good ol' Organic Peppermint tea. I guess I also drank water but not a lot.

This is so random but I hate sharing. I despise it. If something's mine, then it's mine and if you want some, I can tell you where I got it from. Literally, my mom says that I'm selfish when I put others before me.....sometimes. What? I do a few things for myself and I didn't share anything with my brother? SHAME! Just let me live. If my broke ass can afford to get something, then you can too and if you can't then that's a you problem.

I'm at school and I listen to my friends rant and shit and listen to them talk about whatever but when I try to talk and shit, some of the times I get interrupted. This is why I'm quiet. When I'm quiet, they're always like, "wHaT's WrOnG?!" What do you mean "what's wrong" I'm tryna talk and verbally communicate but y'all ain't listening so I give up and keep to myself. Just b/c I'm quiet does not mean that I'm upset even if I was upset, don't bother me. When I'm upset, I prefer to think things through in order to find a solution to the problem. After and ONLY after I'm done, then I'll decide whether or not I should talk to you about it.

Wombats' poop is shaped like a cube and elephants can't jump. A single strand of spaghetti is called a spaghetto. There is a punctuation mark used to signify irony or sarcasm that looks like a backwards question mark.During the cremation process of a 500 pound body, the corpse was so obese that it set the crematorium on fire.The scientific term for brain freeze is "sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia".The only letter that doesn't appear on the periodic table is J.One habit of intelligent humans is being easily annoyed by people around them, but saying nothing in order to avoid a meaningless argument. If a Polar Bear and a Grizzly Bear mate, their offspring is called a "Pizzy Bear"

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