Dead Hiroto × Reader : I Will Never Forget You

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"No don't tell me that!"

"Please calm down ma'am... We did our best-"

"Do not dare telling me that!"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kira, but he didn't make it, the damage and the blood loss was too much for him to survive."

"My sincere condolences Mrs. Kira."

For the millionth time I heard this sentence. I don't need sympathy from people right now.

If only I could have known who caused this tragedy I would have killed them right away. This much hatred towards a successful business man?! To the point of causing his soul to leave his body?!

It's so cruel...

So unfair...

I'm tired...

I miss you Hiroto...

"Mommy!" My little 5 years old son called me loudly with a worried face. I slowly looked down at him as we were both sitting on the couch with him on my lap.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" He asked in a sweet yet worried voice.
I quickly wiped the drop that was rolling down my cheek.

"I'm fine baby." I gave him a smile and he smiled back sweetly. He looks so much like his father with those dark green eyes, pale skin, features, and (h/c) hair. Hiroto and I were very excited for our first baby's new existence but...

It was then when it happened.

"Mommy, can I ask for something?" My little baby boy asked sweetly with a hesitant look. I nodded in response.

"C-Can I see some of d-daddy's photos?" He asked, looking shy. I was taken aback by his request and stared at him for a while.

"O-Oh, yeah sure." I gave him a smile and he smiled back brightly. I carried him on my shoulder and walked towards the bedroom. I sat him down on the bed and went to the closet to get an album.

"Here." I took him in my lap again and opened the album, looking at some old, beautiful memories.

"Wow~" My son pointed at a picture of me and Hiroto as I was hugging him and on my face was a very bright
smile. I stretched my lips up sadly at the picture.

Hiroto knelt down on his one knee while holding a red box.

"Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He asked with a sweet smile.

"YES!" I screamed in joy.

"This was when daddy proposed to mommy." I told him and he nodded then looked at another picture.

"And this was mommy and daddy's wedding day." I explained and he had a wide smile on his face while staring at the picture with shiny eyes.


""Will you, Kira Hiroto, have this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." He said, looking with those lovely eyes towards me.

"Will you, (L/n) (F/n), take this man as your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until you are parted by death?"

"I do" I smiled with a huge smile on my face.


"Mommy you look beautiful!" I chuckled at his comment as we looked at another picture.

"This was when mommy and daddy found out about our little first baby." I said and he looked up at me with a surprised face and then down at the picture.


"Hiroto, I need to tell you something." I looked nervously at the floor and he took my hand and nodded, signaling that he was fully listening.

"I-I'm pregnant!" I shouted and shut my eyes closed. I opened them when I heard no sound and looked at Hiroto to find him staring at me with a shocked face.

"H-Hiroto-" I was cut off as he carried me in his arms and ran around shouting like a crazy "We are going to have a baby!"


"What about this one?" He said putting his little finger on a photo. It showed Hiroto kissing my swollen 6 months stomach while I was laughing.

"Alright guys take position, I'm going to take the picture now." Midorikawa said while he was holding a camera on his hands. Hiroto was wrapping his arm around my shoulders, but suddenly he moved down and rubbed my stomach.

"H-Hiroto what are you doing?" I asked, blushing at the fact that Midorikawa was watching us. Hiroto looked up at me and gave me a smile then put his forehead on my tummy. Suddenly, we both felt a foot kick from there and we were shocked. Then, we laughed and Hiroto kissed my belly and that was when the picture was taken.


"And that was our baby's first kick inside mommy's tummy." I explained and he blushed, knowing that it was him. I laughed at his behavior and kissed his cheek.

"It's time to sleep, sweetheart." I took him in my arms and walked towards his bedroom and laid him on the bed before giving him his goodnight kiss. I closed the door and walked back to my own bedroom. I sat down staring at the album before lying on the bed.

I started looking at the pictures of the best moments in my entire life. Unconsciously, tears started storming down my eyes like a heavy rain.

"I miss you so much Hiroto, I'm so empty without you. Why did things have to go this way? We were supposed to live a happy life but they took the happiness away from us."

I felt so numb, all the pain that I was keeping inside to avoid letting my son notice it. I took our wedding's ring that belonged to Hiroto which was also found in the accident place along some of his clothes from the closet. just hugged all of his stuff while laying on his pillow, crying what felt eternity.

"I-I'll make sure our son knows who his father truly is." I whispered with a cracked voice.

"I will never forget you."

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Hey guys!
Sorry for not updating but you know how lazy I am!

Anyways, this was a sad chapter actually.

If you want this chapter to turn into a story just lemme know in the comments.

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For real...

See ya!

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