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Star took a deep breath. "I... I had a dream, a few nights ago, about an approaching darkness. StarClan cats were there, and so were my ancestors, the Tribe of Endless Hunting. They warned me of... of a coming darkness, a darkness that would cast some of the darkest shadows upon the forest."

Goldheart turned to Star, eyes wide with fear. "They said that to you?"

"Yes," Star nodded, looking more fearful by the heartbeat at Goldheart's expression.

"My dreams... they didn't have any StarClan cats... just darkness, blood, and pain... and something ending it all..." Goldheart breathed, barely audible.

It seemed to Echoheart that Goldheart had forgotten that she, Whispersong, and Star were there; his orange eyes were wide, unfocused, and unblinking as he stared across the camp.

Echoheart looked at the medicine cat in concern. What did he know that she, Whispersong, or Star didn't?

Looming DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now