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• "Let Them Go" •

"You're an elemental?" Artemis asked her sister as they walked

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"You're an elemental?" Artemis asked her sister as they walked. Amphitrite nodded. "Yeah I thought you knew." Artemis shook her head. "No, no one knew that there were anymore elementals left. We all thought grandfather was the last one and he was killed by the Empire years ago." "oh." was all Amphitrite could say. "Was grandfather a water elemental too?" Amphitrite asked. "Oh yeah," Artemis replied. "He was the most powerful elemental of his time. A true master of water." Amphitrite had never known much- or well anything at all- about her grandfather, or any of her family. "You... you don't know anything about our family do you?" Artemis asked slowly. "No." Amphitrite said with a sigh. "I don't remember hardly anything before I was taken." Artemis nodded. "Right, that makes sense." She said as they walked. "Well, when we return to camp I will tell you everything I can about our family."

"Artemis!!" A sudden scream from the forest caught the girl's ears. They looked to see two men, Poe and Dimitri, badly hurt. "Woah," Artemis said as she took in the sight of the men. Poe was doing his best to run to them with Dimitri leaning against him, his leg was badly wounded and bleeding onto the white snow. "They ambushed us..." Dimitri said as he coughed. He was weak. "They who?" Amphitrite asked. "The First Order." Poe replied. "We are the only survivors." Dimitri said as he looked up at Artemis. Her dark blue eyes widened at his words. "What?" She stopped dead in her tracks. "That's impossible... The camp was very well hidden... no one could find it even with a map." "Look it doesn't matter how they found us." Poe began as he approached Artemis. "We have to go." He said, "Now." "Who is this?" Amphitrite asked as she gestured to Poe and Dimitri. "They're -" "Listen, princess, introductions can wait." Poe said as he grabbed Artemis' arm. "We have to get out of here. My ship isn't far."

The group began running in an opposite direction, Poe leading them this time. "Where will we go?" Artemis asked as she ran, still trying to process everything that she had been told. She couldn't beleive everything she had worked for over the past several years was gone just like that. Hatred flowed through her veins for the First Order. Yet again it had been them stealing away what she loved. "Everything we know is gone. The Frist Order destroyed it all." She added. Poe pushed past people and seemed to be heading towards the mountains. "There are still people out there who will fight the First Order." Poe said as they neared the wilderness around the mountains. "The resistance, it was them that sent me to help you. Well now they can help you a little more. They have a base about a click or two away. I can take you there, this place isn't safe anymore." "So that's it then?" Amphitrite asked, speaking up amongst the group. "We are just going to run away?" Poe groaned at their stubbornness as he dragged Dimitri along with them. His ship was in view by now. "Run away to regroup. We will return but only when we have the strength and numbers to." He told her. They reached his ship and Poe opened up the entrance hatch. "Alright, everyone in." He instructed as he helped Dimitri up the ramp. As she watched everyone else crawl inside, Amphitrite turned to get one last look at her home but instead she felt fear as she locked eyes with a masked Kylo Ren and at least six storm troopers, watching them from a distance. Kylo's red saber illuminated them, giving them a ghostly ambience. "Sir," She could faintly hear one of the storm troopers speaking to Kylo. "Should we attack?" Kylo didn't move. He kept his eyes on Amphitrite, watching her and analyzing her. She wasn't sure what made him do it. Maybe it was the weakness that resulted from the last quarrel, or maybe - just maybe - it was a touch of empathy. "No." Kylo replied coolly. "Let them go." he added. "But sir," "I said let them go." Kylo hissed with much more authority. "Yes sir." the milky white armoured men replied as kylo turned to leave and the men followed their leader. Amphitrite couldn't believe what she saw. She was frozen in the snow as she watched them walk off. She was so stunned she didn't even hear her sister calling her name. Suddenly a tug at her arm caused her to turn around, facing Artemis. "Amphitrite what are you looking at? We have to leave." She said in a slightly panicked tone as she pulled her into the ship, away from her home.

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