He stayed like that for hours, though he didn't really noticed. He was stuck, intranced by the blank wall as he stared absent mindedly at it.

Then came a thought.

What if it's like this forever? What if there really is no escape?

That triggered a wave of emotions, none of which he knew how to express or explain. His breath hitched in his throat and tears stung his eyes as the unexplainable feelings welled up. He wasn't really sure how he actually felt. All he knew was that he wished someone was here. He'd had enough being alone and the idea that he really was left behind drove him to the brink of madness.

A breathy laugh left his lips as the tears spilled over his reddened cheeks.

"No wonder your still here. Probably been too long, you're a lost cause by now," he whispered solemnly as he pulled his knees up to his chest and placed his hat atop his head to cover his unreadable expression.

He cried silently for a while and by the end of it he was absolutely exhausted. He wasn't usually this tired and he wondered aloud at what could possibly be wrong. He felt warm again, more so than cold now, and curled back into his ball on the floor.

It was a mere few seconds before he fell asleep once more, his hair sticking to his forehead and breathing uneven against his lungs.

If only Luffy had stayed awake a few minutes longer, he would have been able to hear the cannon fire that wracked the whole ship with shakes even through the empty white sound proof walls.

But alas, he was sound asleep.


Ace and Sabo woke with a start. Something had been powerful enough to shock the ship and them from its peaceful resting place.

"What was that!!?" Sabo asked loudly through the shock, looking to Ace for answers.

Ace looked at the wood ceiling and frowned. Another tremor hit the ship, accompanied with an almost deafening explosion. For once, they were glad they weren't on deck.

"I... Think someone's attacking?" Ace said, although it sounded more like a question.

Sabo's eye widened. "Ace! You know what this means right! This could be our chance! We can finally-"

"Save Luffy," Ace finished for him.

His hands were clenched into fists and a new look of determination had taken over his features.

Sabo nodded, and looked towards the bars.

"Do you have a plan to get out, Sabo?" Ace asked.

Sabo put a hand to his hat and thought for a moment. They couldn't do much, as much as he hated that. Neither of them were in good condition and Sabo was still pretty sleepy; not to mention they didn't even have their pipes to defend themselves with.

"We.... Should wait," Sabo finally said, turning to face Ace.

"Wait...?" Ace asked, clearly confused. "But we'll probably never get another chance! How do we know they won't just leave the ship to sink!? And Luffy-"

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