The Life-Ruining Picture

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Alison POV

I was sitting at the end of my bed staring at the picture my mom had on her phone. "What the hell is this Alison?" This pictures going to ruin me. Might as well have fun with it. "Well mom that would be a picture." "Well Alison since when do you kiss girls?" She mocked. Then Dad walked in. He looked almost broken... "Alison I need to talk to your mother." and they both left the room...

Aria POV

Right before Ali was kicked out of class a bunch of people got a message including Spencer and I. When i saw that picture of Alison my jaw dropped. I turned my head toward Spencer. Who looked at the picture, typed something into her phone and got back to work. You could hear gasps all around the classroom. But, there was one person smiling, it was a smile of satisfaction, Mona Vanderwaal.

Mona POV

After spying on Alison for all these years it had finally paid off. Now people would see her for who she really is. A worthless dyke. She would know what it had been like for everyone to despise you for no specific reason. This is only the beginning for Alison DiLaurentis and her little friends.

Emily POV

I didn't know how to feel about the picture of Ali and I kissing. Honestly i just don't care. As much as my mind was telling me not care about her I couldn't help the fact that maybe her parents might have seen the picture. I had to find out who had sent that picture. There was a knock on the door i opened it, and there she was Alison herself. So much for meeting at the cliff. Hanna looked at me and winked. I looked at Alison her eyes were red and puffy and all she had with her was a backpack. She walked through the doorway and fell into my arms and started to cry hysterically. This cannot be good.

"Ali what happend?"

"M-My parents k-kicked me out"

I knew exactly why too. This is my fault. I couldn't help but feel guilt. Well at least its something.

"Okay. Well you can stay here for as long as you'd like."

Looks like id be sleeping on the couch. Since its only a one bedroom apartment. Thats okay.

"T-thanks Em"

Hanna POV

I didn't like Alison all that much. But i couldn't help feeling bad for her. I knew her family had issues with stuff but they disowned Alison? Thats a low blow. I looked at her, then at Em. Emily had tears stained on her shirt. She was rocking Alison back and forth staring at me. And she looked terrified and i was pretty sure i knew why.

Hey everyone! Thanks for reading. Theres an (A) figure but it wont specifically be the (A) messages. Feedbacks appreciated! The next maybe 1 or 2 chapters should be interesting. I hope you enjoyed!

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