Not so Badass Fields

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Alison and Emily clicked like they had known each other for years instead of 2 days. But Alison could tell that there was something different about Emily. Like how fast her smile faded when people stopped looking at her. Ali was a very observant person, she had been since she was a little girl. Emily had thought about telling Alison but was afraid that once she found out she might end up shutting her out.

*After school the next day*

Alison POV
I talked to Emily today she seemed different she looked pale and as if she hadn't slept the night before. Maybe she hadn't. Who knows. Ugh, why am I thinking about Emily so much!? Either way, I still had to go to her house in a couple hours.

Emily POV
Well, tonight was when Alison was coming over. And I was nervous! But badass Fields doesn't get nervous. My pills...I looked around the house, there was a small bottle with my name printed on the label sitting on the kitchen counter  I decided to take one a little early since Blondie was coming over tonight. I filled a glass with water and took the awful tasting blue pill. I knew Alison would wonder where my parents were and I trusted her. There was just something about her that I trusted. it felt like I could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge me, call me broken, or pity me. I hated pity even though not many people knew about my past. The people that do which are very few are either dead or they think I'm dead...

Authors note
I wasn't sure what to do with this chapter. But next chapter Emily is going to tell Alison about some of her past. There are not much badass Fields yet but it will come later on. Oooo! Hope you enjoyed. Feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading!
~ Hannah

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