The Old Fountains

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My fingers graze

the feeble strings

elicit a sweet song

from her gentle form.

Her voice rises

tells a thousand tales

takes me back

to the land of old.

My eyes closed

to floodlights

a green land

replaces the cityscape.

I took this journey

in childhood days,

Paris to Brittany.

My grip tightens

smooth wood pushes

against my shoulder.

Oh if I could make them

see the old fountains

that haunt my dreams,

hear the white waves

thundering toward the shore!

Applause washes over me

drowns the last notes.

They flee, unnoticed,

into the summer night

the green land – a shattered dream

I rise, put aside the harp

sweat beading on my face

smile, thank you, bow.

End of song.

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