Chapter 32. Silence

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You sat on the examination bed as the so called doctor looked into your ears. Valentine thought that you lied when you told him that you were deaf. Now he just looked worried, he was probably just scared that his perfect weapon wasnt so perfect anymore.

After a while the doctor was done looking into your ears, walked over to his desk and quickly wrote something on a sheet of paper. He held it up in front of you to read.
'You are really deaf' was written on the paper.

"Oh wow I already knew that! Will I ever be able to hear again?" You asked a bit pissed off by the unnecessary answer he had given you.

He wrote something on a piece of paper again, and held it up.
'You wont be able to hear again' the paper read.
A wave of sadness overflowed you, you felt as if you were drowning in it. Your hopes of being able to hear again were crushed and the reality hurt you more than anything else.

The doctor turned the piece of paper around so you could read what he wrote on the backside.
'You lost 90% of your ability to hear because the explosion was so loud'

"Whats with the 10% I have left?" You asked him.
You were glad that you could still talk even though it felt really weird to not be able to hear your own voice. 

'These 10% will make it possible to give you hearing aids' you read on the paper.

"So I will be able to hear again?!" You asked full of joy and hope.

The doctor just simply nodded and then wrote something else on the paper.
'I will construct the hearing aid, meanwhile its important that you read and speak so you dont  unlearn it' he switched the papers.
'We will give you some books to read'

You were about to say thank you but then you remembered that they just helped you so they could use you. So you just shut your mouth and nodded.

He held up another piece of paper
'In the meantime we will communicate with you like this'

"Well we dont really have a choice do we?" You simply said before standing up from the examination bed.

And in that moment you noticed what was going on.
'Wait why are they trusting me?! Shouldnt I be wearing the muzzle so I dont kill everyone?' You asked yourself. But then you knew the answer.
'They think I am weak! They think that Kumo and I are to weak to kill them yet because of what happened'
You were going to use that to your advantage, gettig stronger and stonger by training and learning how to use Kumos flames, and then killing them.

The guard grabbed you and pulled you out of the room. He put on the muzzle and then dragged you to the training facility, where you spent the rest of your day training to walk with your new leg. It didnt take you long, and soon you could easily walk with your new leg and could even kick.
Using your new arm was still a bit hard for you, it was difficult for you to use things such as a spoon or a knive to eat or drinking out of a glass of water, you would always accidentally spill it.

After 5 days your hearing aids were done. Of course this meant that you would haveto go on missions soon now that you could fight again.
Once again yousat on the examination bed, but this time you had the muzzle on.
The doctor put in the hearing aids into your ear, they fit in perfectly and were pretty comfortable. 

But still you couldnt hear anything, which made you panic. 'Why dont I hear anything? Was he lying?!' You thought to yourself. 

The fear of staying deaf almost ate you up, you were so excited to be able to hear again and now your hopes were crushed once again.
You wanted to say something, tell them how much all of this sucked and curse at them in every language you knew but of course you couldnt because of that damn muzzle.

But then something happened that you did not expect. It started off as whitenoise, but then the sounds became clearer, for the first time in 2 weeks you could finally hear again. 
You could hear the doctor asking you questions, the soldiers that were running and screaming outside, you even could hear the birds singing outside silently.
Tears of joy filled your eyes.

"Can you hear?" He asked.
You simply nodded.

"Great then you can go on your first mission in two days! I will head out for a little buisness trip now. You better be obedient while Im gone (Y/N), I dont want to come back and hear about all the bd things you did." He said and then gave you a dirty smirk that disgusted you.

'Two days...looks like Im going earlier than I expected. But it doesnt matter, this time Im ready,  I will escape!' You thought while you were walking back to your little cell, with four guards by your side.

You lied down on your little dirty mattress looking up at the ceiling. The once white paint was chipping off the walls and the ceiling and the grey concrete could be seen underneath it.

You let out a sigh.

'Two days then I am free...Then I can be with the others again!'

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