Chapter 25. Change

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After the night with Genji, you ended up being a couple again. You missed each other more than anyone else could ever imagine. The two of you were just happy to have each other back.

Only a few days later Jack Morrison asked you to meet him in his office. You were really nervous, fearing that you would get kicked out.
You were more than relieved to hear that you could stay. He said that it would be ok if you stayed, there were just two conditions. The first being that you would do chores around Base whenever you could and that you would behave nicely around all the other agents. The seconds condition was that you had to serve as a Ocerwatch agent for one year after reaching the age of 18.
The second made you think about this whole thing again. You were really sick of fighting and even though this time you would fight on the good side, you werent sure if this was what you wanted in life.

But in the end, you stayed. Overwatch had become the family that you didnt had for so long, and you wouldnt leave them for anything. They were everything to you now. Of course you also stayed because Genji was there, he was just as important to you.

Time passed and the winter turned into spring, flowers started growing and blooming and there was no need for thick coats anymore. You spent most of your days walking around the base, asking the others if you could assist them with anything.

You often helped Winston in his Workshop when he was working on new inventions, like the thing that made it possible for Tracer to controll her teleporting. You were always amazed at what he could do.

When you werent helping Winston, you often prepared food, cleaned amour and weapons or cleaned the base. It reminded you of the time with the Shimadas, but this time you werent a servant, you were a team member that was respected as the others. You were treated like everyone else, and thats what you loved about staying with Overwatch.

As time passed you knew that you had made the right decision. You knew that you were safe from the omnium staying in the base. Of course you still had to dress up when going outside to fo grocery shopping. You often wore a baseball cap that Jesse had given to you and let down your (h/c) hair so it would cover the sides of your face.
The cap was brown and had the Mississippi on it. It was totally something that a country boy would wear, and maybe it drew more attention to you wearing it, but nontheless you treasured it.

Jesse and you had become close friends over the months that had passed. He was really important to you, after all he was the one that saved you. You were almost like a little sister to him, and you knew that you could tell him everything and he wouldnt judge you.
You were really thankful to have Jesse as your friend.

Everyone around the base knew Kumo by now, and tgey werent really bothered by him. He always talked to them, and they found him quite funny.
Kumo would often sit at the table and eat together with the other members.
Even tough he didnt even needed to eat because hes a demon, eating was still his favourite activity in the whole world. Jesse and Kumo would often have eating contests, were Kumo would always win, because his stomach couldnt get full due to being a spirit.
After a while Jesse knew that he couldnt win and admitted his defeat.

For you it felt as if everything was perfect and normal again. But there was something that bothered you. Something regarding Genji.
It wasnt just a minor thing like getting into little fights or hating the way he eats.
No, it was something big and important to you.
And you knew that you couldnt live on like that.

You felt as if he had changed. Or maybe it was you that changed. You felt as if you had matured after all you been through. You had the feeling that you werent just a teenager anymore, you had become a women and an adult over the time that has passed. And Genji, he changed too.
You felt as if the cheerful and happy jung man that would always speak before thinking about it was long gone.
Genji was not the man you once loved anymore. And it was hard admitting that to yourself.
He was grumpy and moody, everytime he returned from missions he would lock himself up into his room for a whole day, only coming out to eat.
His cheerfullness was replaced by a heart full of hatred for himself and his brother. And it hurt you to see how much he hated his own body.
You knew it was hard for him, but it also wasnt always easy for you. But nontheless you decided to fight for whats important to you.
You still loved Genji and you thought nothing could change that.
You didnt tell hom about yout thoughts, going that it would all change one day. And that he would finally accept himself.
Jesse knew about your struggles but promised you to keep his mouth shut.

You waited and waited, month by month went by. Genji was on Blackwatch missions most of the time, while you were in the empty base waiting for all the Overwatch members to return home. It was lonely at times, but you knew that they would always come back.

Your 18th birthday was only two months away from now, so Commander Jack Morrison decided it would be best to start your training. And you knew you were ready. You were ready to fight for a better world. You were ready to finally help people instead of hurting them and taking their homes away.

The training sure was hard but you made it through and on your 18th birthday you could proudly call yourself a Overwatch agent. You got your own uniform and Winston even made you armour that was custom made just for you and that fullfilled all your needs.

You were the youngest member of Overwatch, but the times of being treated like a weapon or a child were long over.

Now you were standing right in front of the mirror looking at yourself wearing the Uniform and armour, before your first mission.
"Agent (Y/LN) is ready to fight!" You said to yourself, as you looked at youfself full of pride.

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