"I filled it with calming herbs, I know you're busy fighting a curse that wants to control your hunger and desires. I hope this can aid you in your next battle with yourself when it comes." Her smile never fading as she walked closer to me a hung the pendant around my neck. "I also hope it can be a good luck charm that can mend our bonds. Making us good friends!" She backed away from me and held her hands together loosely in front of her.

'I-" I looked down and held the small string covered ball in my hands. Getting a whiff of all the herbs as I did so. Immediately feeling my senses dull and calm. I smiled and looked back up to meet her gaze. "I think I should apologize too... You were angry and upset, you weren't in a good place at that moment and I should have respected that. I didn't really like me either after... after what happened."

She shook her head. "There is no need to apologize." She reached out of her pale hands and grasp one of my own. Clasping it in both of her hands and landing a soft kiss on my knuckles. "I do hope you can be the key to opening the door to peace and end this stupid and tragic war. Be safe y/n."

She released my hand giving me one last smile before turning away and leaving me with my thoughts. I felt a large weight being lifted off my chest and I could finally breathe again, the stress of having enemies close to me finally being lifted. One less person that hated my guts and wanted to see them sprawled out.



I smiled and held the pendant in my hands and kept it close to my chest. I knew I was going to need this. I didn't think I could keep resiting all by myself for very long so this was a blessing sent to me by the gods. Using their angel messenger named Shinobu.

It's strong scent filled the basket and I could feel my tense muscles relax and my brain became puddy. A small flush spreading across my face. Like the world around muffled out and went into slow-mo. A mellow feeling engulfing me.

Before I knew it we were on the train and I was ripped from my thoughts by Inosuke's shouting. "We're in its belly! Let's take it down!"

"Shut. up!" Zenitsu grabbed inosuke by his makeshift cape and brought his face close to his, shushing him. He let go and turned back around to speak with Tanjiro. "Isn't Rengoku a Hashira. Do you know what he looks like?"

I deadpanned at his question and decided to say something about it. Opening the lid of the basket and looked at him. "Well... I can only assume he looks like Kadzuki, Zenitsu." I felt lips form into a straight line as I said that.

He stared at me for a few seconds, thinking over what I said before facepalming. His face erupting in flames of red and pink. "I guess you're right." He scratched his cheek and pouted. Making my heart sink slightly.

"He's three cars down from where we are." Kadzuki suddenly spoke. Turning to walk towards the cars nearing the back of the train.

"Eh!? How can you tell?" Tanjiro exclaimed.

"Ugh, I can hear his loud chewing from miles... And his 'Yummy Yummy! Delicious!' I don't understand why he has to be so loud." She said imitating him by lowering her voice and puffing out her chest while gesturing eating motions. I laughed at her shenanigans while Tanjiro beamed at her. Seeing she looked just like him for a second there.

We went threw three train cars, just like kadzuki said. When we stepped into the last car she was right. He was sitting at the end. Yelling 'tasty!' It was stupid and ridiculous I couldn't help but giggle as my eyes watered trying to contain the loud squeaky giggles. I went turned away to distract myself but when I turned around and saw Inosuke holding Tanjiro's haori while still wearing his little cape It hit my funny bone even harder. A few cackles escaped through my hands and lips.

~Breathe~ Kimetsu no Yaiba x !Demon! ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя