(What Erik is wearing)

(Time Skip)
"Macbeth," Erik called out, waving his arm.

I walk over to where Erik is sitting with my lunch tray.

I set the tray on the table and sit next to Erik and Sorano, another one of my friends.  My friend group consists of Erik, Sorano, Richard, Sawyer, Jellal, Meredy, and Ultear, who left abroad two years ago.

"Guys," Meredy yelled, pink hair swaying behind her.  "Guess whose back"

"Who?" Jellal says.

"Ultear!!!" Meredy cheers.

Erik, Sorano, Sawyer, Richard, and I look up and sure enough, Ultear is directly behind Meredy. 

We all hug Ultear and catch her up on what happened over the past two years.  In fact, we were so loud that we could even rival the Dragon Slayers, as they like to call themselves.  The group is made of Natsu, Sting, Rouge, Gajeel, and Wendy. (I'm well aware Cobra and Laxus are considered Dragon slayers, however I didn't want to put Cobra with the group.  Cobra and Laxus are the only two not trained by a dragon, so I decided to leave those two out)

Out of all the Dragon Slayers, I really only like two, Wendy and Rouge. Rouge doesn't cause trouble and relatively quiet. Wendy is really nice and kind to everyone. She's kinda a teacher's pet, but she isn't the teacher's pet of the school.  That title goes to Freed Justine, member of the Raijinshuu, or the coolest group in school.  Surprisingly enough, Freed is best friends with Levy McGarden, ultimate nerd in the school and he, himself, is second ultimate nerd in school.  I think the reason Freed is popular because he's dating Laxus, who is the most popular kid in school.

The other Dragon Slayers are annoying as fuck.  Natsu and Sting are just loud in general and with them around you can never get any peace.  Natsu also always tries to pick fights with Gray, who he considers as his rival.  Honestly, I think Natsu likes Gray because a lot of the times Natsu angers Gray is when Gray is talking to Lyon or Juvia.  And Gajeel is really loud with his singing, which is really terrible by the way.  The only two people who actually appreciate his singing is Juvia and Levy, but that's only cause Juvia is Gajeel's best friend and Levy like Gajeel.

"Jellal," Erza comes up to us.  "Mr. Clive asked me to help him during lunch and he said I could bring someone to come with me.  Wanna come?"

"Uhm sure," Jellal says, and the two walk of, hands almost touching.

As soon as the two are out of earshot, Ultear erupts.

"Why didn't any of you tell me Jerza is happening?  You know I've been trying to get the two together since forever"

"We also just found out about this," Meredy states.  "God they are so cute together."

The two girls start squealing to each other, fangirling over "Jerza".

"Shush," Cobra says to Ultear and Meredy.  "A confession is about to happen."

"Where?!" the two whisper-shout.

Erik points to Lyon and Gray and sure enough Lyon is asking Gray out.  And Gray responds yes.  (Gryon is my guilty pleasure. Don't judge)  That's when I know things are going down.  Erik was able to hear this from 5 tables away over Meredy and Ultear's loud fangirling, which means Natsu definitely heard as he was sitting two tables away.

Natsu stands up quickly and walks over to Gray.  He grabs Gray's wrist, pulling Gray away from Lyon.

"What the hell Natsu.  Let go of me," Gray angrily says.

"No," Natsu says.  "We need to talk."

"Leave my boyfriend alone," Lyon says.  "If you wanna talk, talk here."

I can see Natsu clenching his fist when Lyon calls Gray his boyfriend.

"Shut up," Natsu screams.

"What the hell is wrong with you flame brain?" Gray says.

"I like you ok.  I like you Gray.  Like a lot.  It hurts me when I see you happy with Lyon.  I want to be the person that makes you happy and not this icicle," Natsu says.

Gray looks at Natsu in shock. 

"What the hell is happening?" Erik says, leaning closer to my ear.

I blush a little and whisper, "Natsu just confessed his love for Gray right after he heard Lyon's confession."

"This is some messed up love story that I really don't want to see the end to," Erik says, getting up to leave.

"I'll go with you," I say, standing up as well.

The two of us leave the cafeteria and walk aimlessly around the halls.

After a while, Erik calls out to me.



"Do you like someone?"


"Do you think the person would ever love you back?"

"Maybe, maybe not"

"What does that mean?"

"Well, the person I love is firstly male, so I'm not sure if they're open to me being gay.  Secondly, the person is really close to me and I really don't want to lose them over my stupid feelings."

"Is it someone I know?"

"Very well"

"Sawyer, Jellal, Richard?"



I blush but don't respond.


I lower my head, afraid to see Erik's response.

Erik chuckles and lifts my head.

"You're so cute," he says, kissing the top of my forehead.

I blush even more.

Erik holds my hands in his and looks into my eyes.

"Macbeth, I love you too," he says, leaning down for a kiss.  It was a sweet innocent kiss, but the best kiss I've ever had.  We slowly pull away and look into each others eyes and smile.

"Finally," someone shouts, startling the two of us.

"We were waiting for the day you two finally confessed," Meredy said, stepping out of the shadows with Ultear, Sawyer, Sorano, and Richard.

"Come 're you," Erik says, putting Meredy into a headlock and giving her a noogie.

The rest of us laugh as we make our way down the hall to our next adventure... or class.

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