"Oh Angela," the duke sighed, "I do not know where I would be without that woman. She took over all of my personal affairs when I was elected, which has saved me on more than one occasion. She can be quite the diplomat."

"And well read it seems as well." Crowley added, trying to carry the conversation along.

"Indeed. I am aware that it is considered odd for a woman of her rank to be reading in the way that she does, but she is a force unto herself, and I could not stop her even if I wanted to."

"I am of the opinion that knowledge benefits all," Crowley said, suddenly reminded of Eve. Such a curious girl she had been. How was she to have known that eating that apple would get her and Adam banished?

"But what do you say about information that has been forbidden?" Dandolo asked inquisitively.

"I would say that the fact that it is forbidden makes it all the more necessary. After all, why would someone forbid it if it wasn't important?"

"Because it threatens the stability of the culture." Dandolo replied, looking at Crowley with interest.

"If a culture can be destabilized by knowledge then how strong could it have been in the first place."

To Crowley's surprise, Dandolo laughed. "You very much are a friend of Aziraphale's. He has said something similar to me before." What?

"Oh, has he now?"

"Indeed, I believe it was in a discussion about the book of Genesis after mass some weeks ago. We were discussing Eve's folly, and to my surprise, Aziraphale defended her." Of course he did. Crowley felt an overwhelming wave of fondness for the angel. Still the same angel who Crowley had met on the gate of Eden

"How did you and Aziraphale come to be acquainted?" Crowley asked, tilting his head to the side. It would be easier for him to get the duke to trust him if he acted interested in his life. And besides, he was genuinely curious.

"It was one one of my voyages to Constantinople. I am the designated ambassador of Venice to that region, as I am sure you know." Crowley hadn't known that, but he nodded. "I was negotiating a trade deal with the emperor, and to my surprise Aziraphale helped convince the emperor to give us free trade with the empire, with certain limitations of course." Ah, so this is where Crowley was supposed to come in.

"Limitations such as?"

"Certain countries that we can't trade with because they compete with the Byzantines."

"Well why not? I assume that these other countries have lower prices, and that trading with Venice could benefit both of you."

"Yes, but relations between Byzantium and Venice have been strained as of late, and I do not wish to provoke them. Aziraphale helped me settle everything the last time things got too intense, but I fear that if I went behind their back I would lose his support and therefore lose any support I have in Constantinople as well."

"It seems that Aziraphale has helped you a lot," Crowley remarked, changing the subject. It would be best to not push Dandolo too far this early into their acquaintanceship, he needed the duke to trust him, not be suspicious of him.

"Yes, his presence truly is a gift. He defended you very well, you know. I would have left you to face the council, but he convinced me that you were not some random criminal to be locked up and executed."

"Do tell me what it is he said, I will admit that I'm curious." Where was this going to go?

"Now, I do not remember his testimony word-for-word. This old mind of mine cannot keep track of everything. But I do recall saying that he had known you for quite some time and that you were his oldest friend. He also spoke of your bravery and intelligence. You know, it is quite interesting, I've noticed that Aziraphale never speaks of his homeland unless he is speaking to you."

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