Uncle Louis Is In Charge

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"Be good for Uncle Louis." Dad warns us one more time before him and Mom head to the airport to go see Mom's family. My three sisters and I had to stay because of school so Uncle Lou is staying with us at our house.

"What do you gals want for dinner?" Uncle Lou calls up the stairs an hour later.

"Burgers and chips!" We all yell back after deciding. He says okay and we resume our game of Clue. When I win again Adalynn throws a fit.

'YOU CHEATED YOU BIG FAT CHEATER!' She screams in my face. I push her and she falls backwards.

'Damn. You didn't have to be a b*tch about a stupid game.' I say. Both Adalynn and Danielle gasp when I cuss but Adalynn gets up and girls herself at me and soon we are rolling around fighting. We start yelling cuss words at each other and don't realize Danielle went to get Uncle Lou.

'GIRLS!' He yells as he pulls us apart.

'She started it Uncle LouLou.' I say pointing at Adalynn.

'Nuh uh. You cheated and pushed me!' Adalynn yells back and we go to start fighting again but Uncle Lou stops is for getting to each other. He swats us both and leads us to the kitchen and makes us stand in separate corners while he cooks. We are in silence and he directed me and Adalynn to the living room when we finished.

'Here's what's going to happen. I will hear both sides of the story then I will hear Danielle's. If either of you lie to me you'll be in more trouble. After I get the full story I'll decide on your punishment. And I will be notifying your parents.' He says. We both pout at the last part.

'Now Adalynn you go first.' He says.

'We were playing Clue and she won every time and I got frustrated and called her a cheater and she got mad and called me a b word and pushed me. Then when I got back up I started hitting her and we started fighting and that's when you came in.' Adalynn explains.

'Your turn.' He says turning to me. I think about lying but remember his threat before I do.

'What Adalynn said...' I say. He nods curtly. Then he calls Danielle in and she tells the same story.

'Okay. So you both were at fault here. Adalynn if you felt she was cheating you should've got me or asked her nicely if she was cheating. And you -he points to me- shouldn't have pushed her. You should've came to get me. Neither of you should've hit each other. If it had ended before the fight you would've had to talk it out and maybe gotten corner time. Now you'll both get spanked.' He says. We both look at the ground.

'Adalynn corner. Your sister is first.' He says. She obeys and he sits down and pulls me over his knee and starts spanking hard. He doesn't stop until I am bawling and then he hugs me and sends me to the corner before repeating the same with Adalynn. Then we have a group cuddle. We call Danielle in and watch Disney+ for the rest of the night and end up falling asleep in the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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