Blue Blanket by Andrea Gibson

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There are days

When there is no way

Not even a chance

That I dare for even a second

Glance at the reflection of my body

In the mirror and she knows why

Like i know why

She only cries

When she feels like

Shes about to lose control

She knows how much control is worth

Knows what a woman can lose

When her power to move

Is taken away

By a grip so thick with hate

It could 

Clip the wings of God

Leave the next 8 generations of your blood shakin

And tonight

Somthing inside me is breakin

My heart beating so deep

Beneath the sheets of her pain

I could every tear shes cried

A year- a name

And a face I'd forever erase from her mind

Just like she would if she could

For me

Or you

But how much closer to Free would any of us be

If even a few of us forgot what many woman in this world cannot 

And im thinkin 

What the hell would you tell your daughter

Your someday daughter

When you have to hold her beautiful face

To the beat up face of this place 

That hasnt learnt the meaning of Stop


What would you tell your daughter 

Of the womb raped empty

the eyes swollen shut

the gut to frightened to hold food

the thousands upon thousands 

of bodies used and abused

It was seven minutes of the worst kind of hell


And she stopped believing in Heaven

Distrust became her Law

Fear he Bible

The only chance for survival

Dont trust any of them

Bolt the doors to your home

Iron gate your windows

walking to the car alone

get the keys in the lock

please, please, please, open

like already you can feel that five-fingered noose around your neck

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