24 - They're Coming

Start from the beginning

We stopped on the road between the Southside and the Northside, looking back at our home. We knew we'd go back, seeing as some of us still lived in Sunnyside.

"Come on Jug, don't look back." Archie said patting his friend on the back.


We stood in two opposite lines, facing each other with Mr Weatherbee's office in the middle. We were all wearing Serpent jacket's might I add.

"What is the meaning of this?" demanded Mr Weatherbee.

"It's a show of support, sir." Archie answered, "For all Southsiders who are being wrongly transferred out of our school. Everyone's ready to walk out, Principal Weatherbee."

"Any student who walks out, better keep walking. Because they'll be expelled." Mr Weatherbee shouted.

"You're a good man, Principal Weatherbee. You're not the kind of person who discriminates. And if you are?" Archie continued. "Then expel me. Because I don't want to be a part of that."

Weatherbee paused. "Everyone, get to class." 


"Attention, Riverdale High students." Weatherbee said through the loudspeaker, a couple of days later, when everyone was gathered in the lounge for our election results.

"The results of your student council election are in. And your new, student body president is... Archie Andrews." 

Everyone started cheering for Archie, he was our top pick for president, even though Sweet Pea still hated him. But, it was him, or Ethel so....

"In unrelated news," the loudspeaker continued. "For the foreseeable future, all former Southside High students will remain at Riverdale High. That is all."

Everyone started cheering again, and Sweet Pea kissed me passionately.


All the Serpents gathered around the riverbanks, partying and celebrating. FP whistled gathering everyone's attention.

"Listen up now! All right, listen up!" FP began, and someone turned off the music. "Some 60 years ago, the very first Serpent meeting took place on these same riverbanks. Now, it makes sense that this is where we gather now, where I-- Where I say my goodbye. Jughead, will you step up here, son?"

Jughead looked at us, then went up on the stage with his dad. They muttered to each other then FP spoke up. 

"I'm retiring from the Serpents. For real this time." This was met with a lot of people arguing. "Whoa. Now, my boy... My boy has never stopped fighting for this crew. Hell, he almost died for it." He turned to his son. "That's why I'm giving you the mantle." 

We all started clapping, and cheering. Sweet Pea hit Fangs on the back, and then Fangs groaned.

"You idiot." I said slapping Sweet Pea on the arm between claps.

"And now, as your official duty as Serpent king..." FP continued. Toni went up to FP and handed him a red Serpent jacket. "I think you know what to do with this."

As Jughead took the jacket out his dad's hands, everyone began cheering again and FP left the stage.

"All right. All right." Jughead began. "All I can say is, I love you, Dad. And the Serpents will not die out. Not on my watch."

Cheryl went upon stage, and Jughead put on her jacket. And everyone began cheering again. Except me.

"Shit." I said.

"What is it?" Sweet Pea asked.

"My water just broke. The twins are early." I replied. I saw Fangs' eyes widen.

"Okay, we need to go then." Sweet Pea replied, as calm as he could come off.

"Well, no shit." I snapped back. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to Fangs' truck.

"You must feel so strong right now, you're carrying three people." I joked.

"Not for long." Sweet Pea replied. He placed me in the front seat of the truck then climbed in the drivers side.

I put my hand on my stomach and screamed in pain. "This fucking hurts!" 

"It can't hurt that bad." Sweet Pea replied. I gave him a death glare. 

"I would happily swap places with you right now." I spat through gritted teeth. "Just focus on getting to the hospital please!"

He must've broken all the speed limits on the way to the hospital, but it didn't look as if he cared at all.

"Can we get some help?" Sweet Pea asked as he carried me inside the hospital bridal style. A doctor and a bunch of nurses came over with a wheelchair and Sweet Pea placed me in it.


I sat in the hospital bed, and every time I felt a contraction, I would dig my nails into Sweet Pea's hand.

"This fucking hurts!" I exclaimed. "What if something's wrong, they're over a month early?"

"They're going to be fine, okay?" he soothed, rubbing my arm with his free hand. "Twins are usually early." 

"Okay." I said, taking heavy breaths.

I Scream in Your Arms || Sweet Pea [Book 1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now