bromance (Bluezin x Rhett)

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Bluezin's POV
It took us a while to get ourselves settled in our new house we bought after highschool. We luckily had some leftover money from Rhett's job he usually makes a lot. However he seemed a bit peeved earlier.
"Hey dude are you okay"? I said. "No, I've been working late at night trying to get you pigs some cash" Rhett said clearly angered by my question. "Calm down alright what is your deal? What pissed you off"? I said in a normal tone contrasting Rhett's anger.
"Why would I be fine you dumbass I have Sony's overbearing addiction, Teld's pestering me to get him more guns and you keep bugging into my business!" Rhett said answering my question. "I'm getting sick and tired of this bullshit life I have to hang out with the biggest idiots on the fucking planet all thanks to your cocky dumbass!" Rhett continued. I continued to stare at hm and I see him pull out a beer with the brand of Alwine. He chugs it twice.
"You should not do that dude, you know how you get when you drink" I tell him he ignored me. "Are you listening to me?" I continue. He looks at me and gives me a cold glare. He flips me off. And continues chugging down the beer. I took the beer from his cold hands he looks at me aggressively with a glare again. "You really know how to be a fucking dick y'know?" He says getting up from the chair  looking directly at me then swings for a punch, he hits me.
"Ow calm down bro we do not have to end things like this" I tell him, he ignored me. "I'm gonna end you once and for all you fucking pest" he tells me. Then, I remember that he is a demon in form of a human so, I think to calm him down.
"Okay, okay just settle down alright?" I say.
"No I'm tired of being stuck to a leash just because you figure you can change me, nobody can change me because I'm a motherfucking demon!" He yells. He starts to punch me but I block the first punch. He breaks through my block and hits me in the head twice.
"Holy shit dude, just calm down" I say, trying to calm him down.
"No, no more pleads I am a demon therefore I shall have no friends but instead enemies" he says.
"You've been slowing me down from my deal now, I'll permanently silence you, no more chance B" he says getting ready to start punching me again.
"Fine if I'm gonna have to beat you down to your senses then, bring it on" I say getting into fighting stance.

Sony's POV
"Wow, I look good don't I Teld" I said to him with abrasive glee.
"Holy shit Sonathan look at that" he says.
"What is their something in my hair?" I say.
" Oh, nah just a spider webbing a person on TV" he said with a menacing expression.
"Sonathan look at the spider in your hair" he says to me catching my intention at lightning speed.
"Holy shit" I said.
"I know right?" He says.
"Telrich I'm going to kill you for this!!" I yell at him and then get ready to strangle him.
Wait wait wait let me fix that for you" he says going into the bathroom only to come out with a comb and brush.
"Yeah you better" I say with a glowing blush.
Teld has always been my closest friend, along with Bluezin and Rhett of course. He seemed as if he was waiting to do the for me. It doesn't help the fact that I have a crush on the loon given the fact that he is self-destructive and I am self-centered most of the time. We do not work well together personality-wise. Besides the fact that he is a demolitions expert and '5 inches shorter than my hight of 5'9 he was actually the second oldest out of our group being 19 with me being just 17.
Even though Rhett is nearly 500 years older than us, he seemed around our age range, maybe even older.
Bluezin was not much older than me in fact, he is older than me for about a year.

"Sony? Sony?" A voice said me as I wake up to my moutain-pointed haircut completely fixed.
"W-what happened ?" I say.
"You blacked out for some strange reason" he
"But, I fixed your hair for you" Teld says.
Our faces were so close to each other we were practically close to kissing!
"U-um" I say, embarrassed.
"Don't worry, I know you want me" he says with that charming look on his face.
"U-uh damn um" I say quickly forming a blush. We were getting closer almost about to kiss when we were interrupted by Rhett and Bluezin knocking through the living room.
"S-shit!" I say.
Then, I felt Teld kiss my cheek which left me in a blush.
"Damn, so close" Teld says.

How we came to be(Bluezin and friends) oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now