#1 Reaper x Error

904 20 15

Requested by coke124.

I re-wrote this thing so many times and each re-write had a completely different story line-


Reaper was lonely. He had completed all of his for the day and had nothing to do. His brother was still working, and would be for quite a while. Nobody knows this, but Reaper hated being alone. He had severe Monophobia and the only thing keeping him sane right now was his brothers cat, which he couldn't even play with.

He decided to go find someone to hang out with. Thinking over his choices of people he could touch without killing, there was only three. Ink, Geno and Error. He was pretty sure Ink and Geno were hanging out at the moment and he didn't want to annoy them both at the same time, so that left... Error.

The deadly god opened a portal to the anti void and travelled through, gazing at the nothingness. Oh, and the thousand's if puppets attached to dark blue strings littering the emptiness above.

He spotted Error sitting on the ground knitting and flew up behind him, watching him knit for a little while.
But he quickly got bored. He wanted to get Error's attention, but Reapers an idiot, so he does the one thing he shouldn't have.

Error crashed almost immediately when he was hugged from behind. It didn't take long for him to restart and when he did he attempted to push Reaper off of him. Attempted, and failed. So he resorted to yelling at him to get off.

He quickly quieted down when he realised that Reaper had fallen asleep, though he was still hugging Error with a deadly grip.

Error decided to just accept his fate. He'll send Reaper home once he wakes up. And so he went back to his knitting, to wait for that time to come.

If you're wondering what Ink and Geno were doing when they were hanging out...

They joined my army. My army of 2/3 of the most adorable sanses. (The third one you don't get to know)

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