1: Starbucks

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"Hi welcome to Starbucks how can I help you", I asked the teenage girl in front of me. It had a been a long day and I was more than eager to go home but I still had one more hour to go so here I was still taking orders.

"Move, yeah sorry, excuse me, hey", said a boy with a British accent cutting in front of everyone. The girls didn't seem to mind as they started taking pictures of him and screeching ''OMG! IT'S HARRY!'', this guy was probably really popular or something.

"Sorry sir but you have to wait your turn in line", I said with a smile even though I thought he was kind of annoying.

"Yeah can I have a tall Peppermint Mocha and 3 cake pops" he said with a cocky smile that revealed his dimples, and since nobody seemed to mind him cutting in line I went ahead and took his order. "That will be $22.95 ", I said.

"Actually I kind of forgot my money and credit cards so just put it on my tab or give it to me as a present". What the heck was this guy serious?

"Ha I'm sorry but I can't do that sorry, next on line?".

"Excuse me don't you know who I am? Just so you know many girls would kill to be taking my order and giving it to me for free", ugh this so called Harry was getting on my nerves.

"Well I'm not one of those girls so can you please step a side", but to my luck one of those girls yelled "Hey don't talk to Harry Styles like that you b*tch!",ok? What the heck.

"Hey calm down everybody. What seems to be the problem Azaela?", and that would be Jason my manager.

"Sorry Jason its just this guy who wants free things and one of his girlfriends or whatever verbaly assulted me".

"Hi, I'm that guy", Harry said. Ugh why is he so cocky?

"What? Oh my goodness Azalea don't you know him? He is super famous you should give him what he wants".

"Yeah Jason I already know that he's famous but why should I give him free stuff you don't even give me free stuff!", but I only said that in my head so nobody heard it but me. "Well what should I do then?", that I did say out loud.

"Give him his order. I'm sorry everyone for the hassel!", then he shook hands with the rude boy and asked if he could take a picture of him for his little sister who was a major fan...whatever.

"So it was 3 cake pops and a tall Peppermint Mocha right?" I said with the fakest smile ever ,"and for free."

"Yeah", he said. After I gave him his order he gave me one of the cake pops. "That's for you, you should lighten up a little. Where do you live?".

"Are you serious? You want to know where I live? Maybe next time you should atleast try with 'Can I have your number?', and I'm not going to tell you where I live."

"Fine. 'Can I have your number?'", he said.

"Sorry my shift isn't over", my shift was over since 15 minutes ago but there was no way I was going to give this creep my number.

"Too bad. It was a pleasure meeting you.", and with that he finally left.

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