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We are already at the airport with Meizou and Ximen. Mom got up early to see us off too. She's going to stall everyone until they realize I'm already gone then head back to London.

I already fixed everything to assure no one knows where I am, hopefully. I changed my phone number, told J.Y.V staff not to tell anything and most importantly turned off our social media accounts.

"Flight to Bangkok, Thailand now boarding." I saw the sign light up for our flight to board along with 11 other planes boarding too. It's a good thing this way the guys don't actually know where I'm heading off to.

I looked at Meizou and Ximen. They were holding back their tears.

"Guys calm down. You have my new number, you guys can call me anytime. Remember you promised not to tell anyone about this. For all you guys know I'm still at home packing" I told them while kissing their cheeks.

"We know Viv. Let's take one last picture together" Meizou suggested.

I agreed and we took selfies. Some with just Meizou and I or Ximen and I, others with us three then some with everyone.

"See you guys soon" I hugged them then headed odd to board.

"Safe flight!" They both yelled.

"I love you guys! Take care!" I replied and kept walki n with yifans hand in mine.

We boarded the plane and I say next to Yifan. I reclined on his shoulder.

I'll miss you Shanghai.

'Appa take care of Si and the others.'

The plane took off and I felt a relief with a bit of sadness leaving my home.

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