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I walked Into my brand new house turning on all the lights and taking my luggage upstairs.

'I can't believe he hurt me because of her. Psh. I can easily tell she has a thing for Lei.'


I heard the door open and foot steps from down stairs.

'I'm going to die!'

I grabbed my hair brush and made my way down the stairs quietly.

"Yah!!" I saw some shadows and waved my hair brush around hitting some one.

"Stop! Stop! You can leave! Just don't hurt us!"




We all stared at each other in shock.

"Yah! What are you two doing here?" I sat down on the stairs cause I was scared to death just now.

"Jackson called me saying someone broke into your house so we decided to come check" Lay sat down too.

"Why did you come? Usually this house Is just for vacations or when we hangout." Jackson asked.

I told them everything that happened with Ah Si and they were pissed.

"I going to kick his Ass!" Jackson got up and started walking out the door.

"Stop! Please don't." I hugged him so he couldn't push me away.

He hugged me back and walked me to the living room, except this hug as a really tight one.

I saw Lay leave without saying a word. "Yah! Lay!" I tried to get out of Jackson's grip but he didn't let me.

I heard a car drive off so I pushed Jackson away.

"He took my car! Why did you let him leave!" I yelled at Jackson.

"Someone has to teach your brother to respect girls" Jackson replied in a monotone.

"Let me borrow your car!"

"No. Come we have to get that bruise off your arm. We are announcing the partnership tomorrow" Jackson dragged me upstairs.

'Take care Lay'

~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~

I woke up to see Jackson sleeping on the ground. "Jackson get up!" I nudged him.

"Its Sunday we don't have class today, let me sleep"

"Where's Lay? I didn't hear him come in last night"

"I'm right here. I brought breakfast" Lay said walking into my room.He looked perfectly fine.

"Where did you go last night?"

"To beat up your brother"

"And you're not bruised?"

"I am, I just avoided getting hit in the face." He chuckled and sat down beside me.

"Thanks Yixi"

"Anytime. Now both of you get ready we have to be at the company in 2 hours."

Jackson and I got up and ran around getting our stuff.

"Yah! Get out I have to shower!" I pushed them both out of room to get ready.

~2 hours later~

[Miss Doaming can you tell us why we are all gathered here today?] 👥

[Why are you gathered along with Jackson Wang and Lay Zhang?]👥

The press conference has started and let's say the flashes are blinding.

[Ahem. First of all I want to thank you all for coming today. It's a real honor to be announcing our greatest accomplishments as a trio]

[We are very thankful to Mrs. Doaming to give us this opportunity.]

[Thank you ama feng!] Jackson did aeygo while talking to the camera.

Gosh dang it. I really regret having this be broadcasted on the news outlets right now.

[Please fill us in on the gossip]👥

[As I was saying. Today we are announcing..]

[The launching of J.Y.V!] Lay and Jackson said excitedly

[Are you three joining as one?]👥

[What is JYV?]👥

[What is JYV going to industrialized in?]👥

[JYV is a company that will be owned by us three, hence the initials J. Y. V.] I pointed at the three of us.

[As you all know we all major in music and marketing-] Lay began before Jackson interupted

[J.Y.V will help fulfill the dreams of those wanting to become actors, actresses, artists or idols. We will personally hold the auditions all over Asia. We will also be opening a restaurant branch in Korea joined by Daoming Enterprise.]

[We hope young adults like ourselves can get the opportunity we got.]

[Why isn't Feng Doaming here to announce this project with you guys?]👥

[Are you sure you three can handle this enterprise on your own?]👥

[Why only Asia?]👥

[My mother couldn't make it today due to her schedule.] I said trying to calm down the reporters.

[Auditions will be held in Asia for now because we want to help our own country first. Once we launch our first idol group we will look into going worldwide.]

[I believe you guys can find the answer to your question as we start running. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will J.Y.V]

[We would like to thank you all for coming today and joinging us for this announcement. As a kind gesture we have breakfast for all of you in the lounge. If you could please follow the guards they will take you there personally.] I bowed and went to greet and thank all the reporters for coming.

"Thank you for coming"

"I wish you the best of luck Miss Doaming. Your father would be proud."

"Thank you"

We thanked everyone and headed home.

"Wow. We did it guys! We did it!"

"But aren't we supposed to get your things from your house?"

"Yea, let's change into more comfortable clothes then we meet back here. I need you guys to help me drive my two other cars back here."

"What about the piano?"

"I'll have the movers get the big stuff"

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