Main Story///Chapter Eighteen

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Sci stared at Ink with wide eyes,

"Ink? I could ask the same thing!"

Ink said nothing back just blinked and exited the room, Fell tsked,

"Well damn, that was rude"

Sci smiled but then frowned, "he's changed..."


An alarm went off marking that it was morning, Geno shot up from where he had slept.

Error groaned and leaned forward, "tHe HeLl? WhAt TiMe iS iT?"

Geno looked down and checked his watch, "it's 6..."

Geno rubbed his eye socket, he then heard some rustling in the tree above him, he looked up to see Reaper.

Reaper smiled back down at him, Reaper then continued to sip on his coffee.

Geno decided not to question it and stood to go find who he wanted to see.

He passed through some trees and found Nightmare leaning on a tree, both him and Cross were asleep.

Geno smirked when he saw Cross curled up next to Nightmare, Nightmare had his tentacles surrounding Cross as if he was protecting him.

As if sensing his presence Cross opened his eyes, Geno's smirk widened,

"Hi sleepyhead"

Cross looked around and saw where he was located, his face turned a purple hue.

Cross tried to speak but all that came out was a deformed bird screeching sound. The sound caused Nightmare to wake up,

"The fuck was that?"

Geno shrugged, "a sound that your boyfriend made, quite wierd honeslty"

Nightmare ignored him and leaned back against the tree, Cross struggled against his grip but gave up after Geno dissapeared.

Next to show up was Dream, after seeing Cross in Nightmare's hold Dream squealed,

"Aww! That's so cute! I've always shipped you two ya know!"

Cross frowned as Dream kept on, how Nightmare was ignoring this he didnt know.

It wasnt until Killer showed that Nightmare decided to do something.

Killer came by and looked around, "why this place? Were you two doing something?"

Nightmare's eye opened as a tentacle wrapped around Killer's leg, it then flung Killer through the trees causing Dream to screech and run after him,


Cross gulped and watched Nightmare stand up, a tentacle then wrapped around his waist and pulled him up.

Nightmare sighed and walked off, Cross followed after him.

They soon came to the clearing everyone else was at, the only one still sleeping was Horror, which was not a surprise to anyone.

Lust was trying to wake Horror, to no avail.

Nightmare groaned and wrapped a tentacle around Horror's foot and dragged him upward holding Horror infornt of his face.

Horror's red eye stared into Nightmare's teal one,

"Sup Night"

Nightmare frowned and dropped Horror, "get ready we're leaving and we will leave without your sorry ass"

Horror stood up and dusted himself off, "ok, ok, no need to get pissed"

Nightmare and Cross made thier way over to Geno, who was having a conversation with Error.

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