Epilogue (Rewritten)

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3 years later...

Nightmare had figured he'd waited long enough. College was done, he had graduated almost a month ago. It was time to move on with his life, and he knew exactly how he wanted to do that.

The teleportation device had sat on his desk ever since the day Cross had gave it to him. It never moved, Nightmare patiently waiting for what he considered to be the 'right time'. He often wondered if he should've gone sooner, if by waiting so long Cross would give up hope that he still cared about him. Of course, Nightmare chalked that thought up to him simply overthinking.

Nightmare had been sitting at home, alone for what felt like ages. This time had allowed his mind to wander. He pondered over trivial things like how he was planning to spend life now that he'd graduated, or topics along those lines, before it finally rested on the thought of Cross.

He had not seen him in so long, he wondered how he had changed. If he had at all. He wondered if maybe, he could ever find it within himself to admit things he would've never considered three years ago.

At that point, the waiting had become unbearable. He had let his mind wander too far, and now he wanted to impulsively travel half way across the world. After a while of thinking more, he figured it wouldn't hurt too much.

That is when he brought out the old teleportation device, dusting it off to find that the coordinates were still there. Nightmare sighed a little with relief, knowing that now he did not have to commit to a wild goose chase. He would stare at it for a moment longer, before finally pushing the red button.

The device brought him to a secluded alleyway. He could hear the distant chirp of gulls, and the bustle of who knows how many people. He could practically smell the salt in the air. He had been brought to a fishing town.

As Nightmare began to walk through what he presumed was the market place, he wondered why Cross would choose such a place to escape to. There was nothing particularly special about this place, just quaint, simple people who probably lived quaint, simple lives. Though, Nightmare supposed that was the reason Cross came here. The environment was so much different than the hell induced life he was used to.

Nightmare continued walking, marveling at every stall and small shops set up nearby. There were such a wide variety of them, yet it never seemed overwhelming. Nightmare made a mental note to stop by one of them sometime, he had noticed a few trinkets that had caught his cyan eye.

He sighed as he went on, wondering where he would ever find Cross in a place like this. While it was small, there was still a decent crowd of people flooding the streets. It would be quite a task to spot Cross in a crowd like this, even if he was here.

Though, it seemed like Nightmare's prayers would be answered.

He was looking at another stall from the distance, they were selling lockets or something of that sort, when he caught sight of a very familiar scar. Cross wasn't wearing his signature white as he usually did, so Nightmare had to notice something else for him to be recognizable. He almost shouted to him the minute he saw Cross hurry by, but decided he'd rather not have this meet up in the middle of the street.

Instead, he followed in the direction Cross went. He had to forcefully push his way through a sea of people in order to keep up, but that was no matter, apparently no one knew what the words 'excuse me' meant. Cross seemed to be very set on where he was going, because Nightmare was almost winded by the time he caught up to him.

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